Explore life in depth

The Viventis Deep microscope helps you to expand the spatio-temporal understanding of your sample to its full depth, thanks to increased spatio-temporal resolution.

Achieve detailed volumetric imaging for a complete view of the sample with a patented combination of

  • Dual illumination
  • Dual view detection
  • Multi-position
  • Open top sample holder

You can even image large light scattering samples over time with outstanding quality for meaningful downstream analysis, while minimizing light dose and maintaining sample accessibility.

Brain organoids labeled with lamin (green) and tubulin (magenta). Courtesy of Akank­sha Jain. Treutlein Lab ETH-DBSSE Basel (Switzerland).

Explore multiple living samples in parallel

Get more data from a single experiment. Collect data from multiple samples in parallel under different conditions in a single timelapse. The open-top configuration of the Viventis Deep microscope transforms your light sheet imaging with higher throughput and multi-position capabilities.

It enables

  • Easy sample mounting
  • Imaging under physiological conditions with only minor protocol changes
  • Media exchange, even during a running time-lapse
Explore multiple living samples in parallel
Explore multiple living samples in parallel

Explore life events with long-term imaging

In a variety of model systems, including intestine, liver and human colon cancer organoids and zebrafish embryos, the gentle light sheet technology of the Viventis Deep microscope provides high image quality while preserving sample viability.

In addition, the advanced incubation solution and easy media exchange even during a running experiment preserves physiological conditions. Easily handle even more complex experimental conditions. To study responses and to ensure specific results, you can add drugs and use an optional photomanipulation arm during a running time-lapse.

Intestinal organoids label with FUCCI reporter to follow cell cycle dynamics. Courtesy of Franziska Moos. Liberali lab. FMI Basel (Switzerland).

Shape the light sheet technology to fit your needs

The Viventis Deep microscope helps you to tune the thickness of the scanned Gaussian beam (DLSM). You can tailor the light sheet with a focus on resolution or field of view.

Its flexible software allows you to change settings while the timelapse is running. In addition, a Python application programming interface (API) lets you code and plug in custom macros for your own experimental ideas.

To prevent your sample from moving out of the field of view (FOV) during time-lapse, intelligent online object tracking changes the stage coordinates.

Imaging of cycling gene (yellow) revels timing of somitogenesis in zebrafish embryo. Courtesy of Olivier Venzin, Oates Lab. EPFL Lausanne (Switzerland)

Enabling your success with complete workflow support

Keep your operations running around the globe with best-in-class services entirely dedicated to microscopy and over 175 years of history.

Key features

  • Leica Team: 500+ Service & Application experts
  • Leica Training: 4-level factory certification program
  • Leica Logistics: 5 regional hubs for genuine parts
  • Leica OneCall: PhD-level hotline assistance
Enabling your success with complete workflow support
Enabling your success with complete workflow support
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