Viventis LS1 Live Single view, dual illumination light sheet microscope

Archived Product
Replaced by Viventis LS2 Live

The Viventis LS1 Live microscope is an advanced light sheet imaging system. With its dual illumination and single detection technology, LS1 Live enables high resolution live imaging of large 3D specimens under precisely controlled physiological conditions. The open-top design provides the convenience of easy specimen mounting, including the ability to change media during time-lapse experiments. Multi-position imaging capabilities and independent imaging parameters for each position provide great flexibility. Providing researchers with valuable insight into their scientific endeavors, LS1 Live has made significant contributions to the field of light sheet microscopy. 

Viventis is now a brand of Leica Microsystems. The Leica service team is available for your inquiries.
Viventis LS1 Live
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