M220 F12 - Additional Retention Fixture to secure M220 Optics Carrier

At Leica Microsystems, we are dedicated to providing the highest standards of quality to our customers. Part of this dedication is proactively responding to quality defects when they occur. As a matter of precaution Leica Microsystems has chosen to initiate a field safety corrective action to provide a retention fixture to be added on all Leica M220 F12 Surgical Microscopes manufactured before March 9th, 2017 to ensure patient safety and customer satisfaction.

Need help?

Please contact your local Leica representative in case of questions or if you need assistance.


If you are the holder of a product that is subject to this field safety corrective action please thoroughly read and follow the actions as described in the field safety notice.

Note: All data provided will be handled according to our Privacy Policy

  • Acknowledge receipt of this Field Safety Notice with the Digital Acknowledgment Form by following the link listed below - or - by filling PDF Acknowledgment Form and submitting it by e-mail to Leica Microsystems or your local Leica Representative.
  • After completion of the field upgrade please confirm the successful upgrade by returning the Digital Acknowledgment Form by following the link listed below or by filling PDF Acknowledgment Form and submitting it by e-mail to Leica Microsystems or your local Leica Representative.

01 - English (USA/CAN)

Field Safety Notice & Acknowledgment Form

Field Upgrade Instructions & Upgrade Completion Form

Video: Attaching the Retention Fixture onto a Leica M220 F12 Surgical Microscope

02 - Chinese - 中文



视频:固定夹具在 Leica M220 F12 手术显微镜上的安装

03 - Português (Brasil)

Aviso de segurança em campo e formulário de reconhecimento

Downloads e links

Instruções para atualização em campo e formulário de conclusão de atualização

Downloads e links

Vídeo: Anexar a Fixação de retenção em um microscópio cirúrgico Leica M220 F12

04 - Español - LACAR

Vídeo: Anexar a Fixação de retenção em um microscópio cirúrgico Leica M220 F12

05 - English (RoW)

Field Safety Notice & Acknowledgment Form

Downloads & Links

Field Upgrade Instructions & Upgrade Completion Form

Downloads & Links

Video: Attaching the Retention Fixture onto a Leica M220 F12 Surgical Microscope

06 - Arabic - اللغة العربية

فيديو: توصيل تركيبة التثبيت بالمجهر الجراحي Leica M220 F12

التنزيلات والروابط

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07 - Français

Avis de sécurité et formulaire d'accusé de réception

Téléchargements et liens

Instructions de mise à niveau sur le terrain et formulaire d'achèvement de mise à niveau

Téléchargements et liens

Vidéo : application du dispositif de fixation sur un microscope opératoire Leica M220 F12

08 - Deutsch

Sicherheitshinweis und Bestätigungsformular

Downloads & Links

Upgrade-Anweisungen und Formular für den Abschluss des Upgrades

Downloads & Links

Video: Montieren der Haltevorrichtung an einem Operationsmikroskop Leica M220 F12

09 - Italiano

Campo Avviso di sicurezza e modulo di consenso

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Campo Istruzioni di aggiornamento e modulo di completamento aggiornamento

Video: Fissaggio del dispositivo di ritenzione al microscopio chirurgico Leica M220 F12

10 - Japanese - 日本語



  • 改修用取扱説明書
  • デジタル是正措置完了確認書 – Microsoft Forms による送信用
  • 是正措置完了確認書 pdf – E メールで送信用

ビデオ: ライカ M220 F12 手術用顕微鏡への保持具の取付け


11 - Korean -한국어

현장 안전 공지 및 승인 양식

다운로드 및 링크

현장 업그레이드 지침 및 업그레이드 완료 양식

다운로드 및 링크

동영상: Leica M220 F12 수술현미경에 고정 장치 설치

12 - Português

Aviso de Segurança e Declaração de Tomada de Conhecimento

Downloads e Links

Instruções de Atualização no Local e Declaração de Conclusão da Atualização

Downloads e Links

Vídeo: Fixar o acessório de retenção num microscópico cirúrgico Leica M220 F12

13 - Russian - Русский

Уведомление о безопасности на местах и форма подтверждения

Загрузки и ссылки

Указания по дооснащению на местах и форма подтверждения выполнения дооснащения

Видеоролик: Установка дополнительного крепления на операционный микроскоп Leica M220 F12

Загрузки и ссылки

14 - Español

Video: Instalación del dispositivo de sujeción en un microscopio quirúrgico Leica M220 F12

15 - Türkçe

Saha Güvenlik Bildirimi ve Onay Formu

İndirmeler ve Linkler

Saha Yükseltme Talimatları ve Yükseltme Tamamlama Formu

İndirmeler ve Linkler

Video: Bir Leica M220 F12 Cerrahi Mikroskoba Sabitleme Fikstürünün Takılması

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