One simultaneous view

The proprietary FL560 filter from Leica Microsystems was designed to effectively separate fluorescence excitation light and the observation spectrum. When combined with premium Leica microscope optics, the result is a single real-time view of anatomy and fluorophores with clear differentiation and high contrast.

Which fluorophores can be observed?

  • Fluorophores with an excitation peak between ~460 nm and ~500 nm (blue)
  • Fluorescence emission observation comprising the green, yellow and red spectrum in a spectral band above ~510 nm. 

For questions regarding specific fluorescent agents or clinical applications, please contact us.

Simplify your workflow

Simultaneous anatomical and real-time fluorescence visualization means no need to interrupt workflow to switch back and forth between views.

Thanks to full microscope integration, activating FL560 mode requires just one click of the handgrip or footswitch. If you choose to integrate other fluorescence modes, you can also switch between them with a single click.

Simply activate FL560 mode and keep working!

Recording & display made easy

Share the view with your team and easily capture brilliant FL560 fluorescence videos in high definition.

  • HD display of the microscope monitor enables viewing by the whole team in the operating room
  • HD recording technology in both in white light and FL560 mode is ideal for documentation, presentation and teaching of complex cases
  • Mode Control technology activates the correct video display and recording settings that have been optimized for fluorescence and white light modes

Full integration today or tomorrow

The FL560 module can be seamlessly integrated into your M530 or M720 OH5 microscope at any time, thanks to our OpenArchitecture design concept.


M530 microscopes were the first to feature TriFluoro technology, enabling up to three modes of integrated fluorescence (FL560, FL400*, FL800) in a single microscope.

Upgrade any time

FL560 can be upgraded onto existing Leica microscopes, so you can add new capabilities and expand your service offering without having to purchase a new microscope.

*Please check with your local Leica Microsystems representative for product registration status.

Available configurations vary by country. Please check with your local Leica Microsystems representative for product availability and registration status in your country.
Available configurations vary by country. Please check with your local Leica Microsystems representative for product availability and registration status in your country.
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