FL800 Intra-Operative Fluorescence-Guided Blood Flow View 820 nm/NIR

Serial flow through the brain: post-injection bolus

Using the Leica FL800, ICG can be imaged in three stages as it flows through a human brain. Without pseudo-coloring, the images appear in black and white.

Components required with the Leica FL800 module

The image shows all components as they would appear in the ICG fluorescence surgical microscope Leica M720 (image) and Leica M525 OH4/F50

Infrared & white light switching video Leica NIR Dual Video Adapter (DVA) Observation filter Video switchboard illumination filter unit Illumination module…

Observation modes: ICG-fluorescence

There are three alterations which allow the fluorescent operating microscopes to function:

Excitation light – The surgical microscope light source must be altered from normally filtered light to allow excitation light. When the fluorescent operating microscope is activated, the filters are changed…

Leica FL800 on surgical microscope Leica M720 OH5

Leica FL800 on surgical microscope Leica M525 OH4

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