Begin every experiment with confidence

Perform high resolution tissue imaging on thick samples without struggling to find your region of interest.

The new THUNDER Live add-on visualizes a computationally cleared image instantly in the live view and allows you to optimize ICC parameters by using live image feedback.

Your benefits with THUNDER Live:

  • Computationally cleared images directly in your live preview.
  • Reduced time to optimal results with immediate visual feedback.
  • Intuitively and quickly find the best THUNDER ICC parameters on the fly while still in live view.
  • Easy selection of important regions of interest even with thick samples.
Widefield THUNDER Imager Tissue

Rabbit Tongue | transversal section of papilla foliata | Acridine Orange stain imaged 2 fluorescence channels DAPI (390nm ex) and FITC (474nm ex)

Faster imaging

Increase your slide scanning experiment speed and perform fast and efficient multicolor acquisiton. You'll be able to assess more fluorescent markers with less photobleaching.

The advantages with the accelerated tissue imaging

  • Scan your samples, such as slides, faster with fully synchronized hardware control
  • Multicolor acquisitions are more than two times faster when using the Synapse controller
  • Discover contextual information unbelievably fast with multicolor, whole slide scanning experiments
  • Evaluate more markers, with less photobleaching, through precise control of multiline LED light sources
Cultured Cortical Neurons, DAPI (cyan) - Nestin cy2 (yellow) - NG2 cy3 (red) - beta III-tubulin Cy5 (magenta). Multiposition acquisitions. Here 4 fluorescence channels are acquired on 6 different positions.

Resolve fine details of challenging specimens

THUNDER Imager Tissue delivers instantly cleared fluorescent images with fine details of your multi-color tissue sections. Simply turn on the THUNDER Imager and start imaging! The unique Computational Clearing method will use optimal parameters to produce expert results. It does this automatically with no need for calibration or user interaction.

Achieve optimal fluorescence and contrast settings instantly via the patented Leica fluorescence intensity (FIM) and contrast managers. Choose from a range of objectives, optimized for specific applications, to ensure outstanding results even with challenging specimens.

Cyclops sp. Nuclei (green), acetylated -tubulin (red), Serotonin (cyan). Image stack of a total volume of 332 x 332 x 84 µm³ with three colors and 305 z planes per color. Objective used was HC PL FLUOTAR 40x/1.30 OIL. Sample courtesy Dipl. Biol. Thomas Frase, University of Rostock, Allgemeine & Spezielle Zoologie, Institut for Biosciences, Rostock (Germany).

THUNDER Imager Tissue configurations

Choose the configuration which best meets your requirements:

  • With the Computational Clearing functionality, you can have a fully automated tissue imaging system for recording multi-color images. Including THUNDER Live for easy previews*.
  • Our adaptive deconvolution can be combined with Computational Clearing to achieve brilliant imaging with 3D samples. Achieve high contrast, 3-dimensional images with maximized resolution and clarity.

*Only available with certain configurations

THUNDER Imager Tissue
THUNDER Imager Tissue

The Ultimate Combination: Laser Microdissection and THUNDER Imaging

THUNDER can be combined with additional Laser Microdissection (LMD) capabilities on the same system. Since both systems are based on our upright microscopy stand, the LMD and THUNDER Imager Tissue can be combined to offer:

  • Space savings with one system for multiple tasks
  • Brilliant fluorescence imaging with THUNDER using LAS X
  • Laser Microdissection using the unique LMD Software to visualize and mark regions of interest for subsequent dissection and collection via gravity into standard vials ready for downstream processing such as RNAseq, NGS, MS, qPCR, microarray etc.
Leica LMD principle: Tissue sections are mounted on a special membrane. A UV-laser cuts according pre-defined markings and dissectates drop into collections wells beneath the slide.
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