Technical Cleanliness in the Automotive Industry for Electromobility

Webinar: New demands of the electromobility sector

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About the webinar

Electric vehicles contain components and systems that have strict cleanliness standards and guidelines and laboratories involved in their inspection have to adapt to these. This has led to the need to revise the VDA 19.1 guidelines. With the increasing trend towards e-mobility, the inspection sector is challenged with finding new technical solutions to meet these stricter demands on particle analysis.

Increasing trend towards e-mobility

In this webinar, Dr.-Ing. Markus Rochowicz, from the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing, Engineering, and Automation in Stuttgart, will speak about the history of the VDA 19 guidelines and why there is an increasing focus on technical cleanliness in the automotive manufacturing and supplier industries.

What to expect in the webinar

Key Learnings

  • Learn why identifying particles is important to automotive systems and how to analyze particles in a laboratory
  • Get more information about the influence of electromobility on technical cleanliness analysis
  • Find out more about new technical aspects and solutions for particle measurement
  • Understand the content of the upcoming VDA 19.1 revision

The Speakers

Dr.-Ing. Markus Rochowicz

Group Leader Cleanroom Technology, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation 

Dr.-Ing. Markus Rochowicz is Group Leader for cleanliness technology at the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation in Stuttgart, Germany. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Stuttgart, where he also studied Physics.

Since 2008, he has led the cleanliness technology group at the Fraunhofer Institute IPA, with a current focus on technical cleanliness, precision cleaning technologies, component surface cleanliness, cleanroom optimization, and cleanliness certification. He and his team played a leading role in the development of the current standards VDA 19.1, VDA 19.2 and ISO 16232.

Dr. Konstantin Kartaschew

Konstantin Kartaschew is an Advanced Workflow Specialist at Leica Microsystems.

He holds a PhD in physical chemistry from the Ruhr University Bochum (Germany), with a focus on micro-spectroscopic analysis. After his PhD he broadened his experience, as a product specialist for spectroscopy within several molecular and elemental spectroscopy (e.g. atomic emission and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy) methods. In 2019 he joined Leica Microsystems as a specialist in LIBS (Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) and further specific compound microscopy applications.

Konstantin’s role give him the opportunity to exchange with customers in different industries. Learning about their challenges and offering them practical advice gives him great job satisfaction.

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