Abhinav Dhami , Dr.

Dr. Abhinav Dhami is a Consultant in Retina, Cataract, Uvea and Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) services at the Dhami Eye Care Hospital in Ludhiana, India. He has extensive experience in cataract surgery, using different techniques. Dr. Dhami has published numerous scientific articles on retina and oncology. He won the best paper award at the 2019 Delhi Ophthalmological Society (DOS) Conference in the cataract category.
Buying an Ophthalmic Microscope? Gain Peers Insights from Dr. Dhami
In this article, learn how Dr. Abhinav Dhami, an ophthalmic surgery consultant in North India, enhances his surgical precision using the M822 ophthalmic microscope from Leica Microsystems and the key…