Cveta Tomova , Dr.

Cveta Tomova

Dr. Cveta Tomova was born in Bulgaria where she completed her MSc degree in Biology, specializing in medical and veterinary parasitology, a field in which she later worked as research associate in the Institute of Veterinary Medicine.

In 2004 she moved to Germany where she was a research associate in Institute of Zoology, TU-Dresden. During this time she began her PhD which was completed at the University of Utrecht (The Netherlands), with Prof. Arie Verkleij. She gained experience in EM sample preparation techniques and 3D-EM Tomography. Before joining Leica Microsystems, Cveta was a postdoctoral fellow in the Dutch Cancer Institute, working with Prof. Peter Peters on techniques such as CEMOVIS.

Dr. Cveta Tomova was Product Manager at  Leica Microsystems in Vienna, Austria.

Video Tutorials: Filling and Assembling of Different Carriers for High-Pressure Freezing

High pressure freezing (HPF) is a cryo-fixation method primarily for biological samples, but also for a variety of non-biological materials. It is a technique that yields optimal preservation in many…

Thermodynamic Considerations Regarding the LN2 in a High Pressure Freezer

Employing liquid nitrogen (LN2) as a coolant in the complex process of high pressure freezing raises certain considerations regarding phase transition not only of the liquid sample to be frozen but…
Structural details of the C. elegans, head in cross-section. Courtesy of Müller-Reichert T, MPI-CBG, Dresden, Germany, and McDonald K, University of California, Berkeley, USA.

Brief Introduction to High-Pressure Freezing

Water is the most abundant cellular constituent and therefore important for preserving cellular ultra-structure. Currently the only way to fix cellular constituents without introducing significant…
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