Joyce Schmatz , PhD

Joyce Schmatz heads Research & Service Innovation and is managing director at MaP – Microstructure and Pores GmbH, Aachen, Germany. As a geologist holding a PhD in Structural Geology from RWTH Aachen University, in the last decade her research was focused on rock-fluid interaction in the Earth’s upper crust. Schmatz proved the existence of asperity pinning effects in two-phase fluid flow interactions between brine and enclosed oil droplets via high-resolution Cryo-BIB-SEM imaging. She continues to contribute to a better understanding of mass transfer and transport processes to improve predictions on the long-term stability of nuclear waste repositories, as well as a better understand of two-phase flow properties in subsurface reservoirs. More recently, her work inside MaP has extended beyond geological applications of these technologies into material- and life-sciences, pushing the boundaries on what is possible to achieve in microstructural imaging and analysis with the technology available today.