Markus Küntscher , Prof. Dr. med.

Markus Küntscher

Professor Markus Küntscher, is the Chief Physician in the Department of Plastic and Hand Surgery, at the Evangelische Elisabeth Klink, Director of the Reconstructive Breast Centre in Berlin, and Senior Lecturer at the Heidelberg University. He is specialised in plastic reconstructive, aesthetic and hand surgery. Professor Küntscher studied medicine at the University of Heidelberg, and went on to specialise in plastic surgery at the BG Trauma Centre Ludwigshafen, the largest plastic surgery unit in Europe. Afterwards, he moved back to Berlin to become the Vice President at the Centre for Serious Burn Injuries Unfallkrankenhaus.  

Clinical case: radial forearm free flap preparation with prelaminated urethra and phalloplasty anastomosis

Using GLOW800 AR in Radial Forearm Flap Free Phalloplasty

In this video, Chief Microsurgeon Professor Küntscher and his team perform a radial forearm free flap phalloplasty and use ICG fluorescence imaging to show the blood flow in the whole flap from the…
phalloplasty and subcutaneous mastectomy

How AR Surgery Benefits Radial Forearm Free Flap Phalloplasty

The goal of penile reconstruction is to provide an aesthetic penoid with tactile and erogenous sensation, so the patient can have sexual intercourse and void standing.1 Currently, the radial forearm…
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