Peter Engerer , PhD

Dr. Peter Engerer studied Biomedicine in Wuerzburg, Vienna, Singapore and Berlin. In 2016, he earned a Ph.D. from TU Muenchen for work on the development and application of cutting-edge in-vivo imaging of the nervous system. After consulting several years on software engineering and data science for the Engineering group, he joined Leica Microsystems in 2020 as product manager for software with global responsibility.
Find Relevant Specimen Details from Overviews
Switch from searching image by image to seeing the full overview of samples quickly and identifying the important specimen details instantly with confocal microscopy. Use that knowledge to set up…
Artificial Intelligence and Confocal Microscopy – What You Need to Know
This list of frequently asked questions provides “hands-on” answers and is a supplement to the introductory article about Dynamic Signal Enhancement powered by Aivia "How Artificial Intelligence…
How Artificial Intelligence Enhances Confocal Imaging
In this article, we show how artificial intelligence (AI) can enhance your imaging experiments. Namely, how Dynamic Signal Enhancement powered by Aivia improves image quality while capturing the…