Raj Saini , MSc

Advanced Workflow Specialist UK, Leica Microsystems

MSc Semiconductor Devices-Lancaster University (Brunel, Applied Physics)


  • TI; Chip layout
  • Fab (photolithography-Process Engineer)
  • BioRad; Overlay Metrology System (photolith-Applications Engineer)
  • KLA-Tencor; Metrology and Low-voltage SEM (photolith-Senior Applications Engineer)
  • NVS; Process Control Software for Photolith (Applications Manager, Project Manager)
  • Malvern Instruments: Analysers (Optical, Raman, NIR: Service Specialist)
  • Leica Microsystems (Advanced Workflow Specialist)
Region of a patterned wafer inspected using optical microscopy and automated and reproducible DIC (differential interference contrast). With DIC users are able to visualize small height differences on the wafer surface more easily.

6-Inch Wafer Inspection Microscope for Reliably Observing Small Height Differences

A 6-inch wafer inspection microscope with automated and reproducible DIC (differential interference contrast) imaging, no matter the skill level of users, is described in this article. Manufacturing…
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