Yannick Schwab , Dr.

Yannick Schwab is a neuroscientist by training, graduating in 2001 at the University of Strasbourg, France. After two post-doctorates in Neurobiology (in Canada and in France), he joined in 2005 the staff of the Electron Microscopy facility at the IGBMC, Strasbourg, becoming its operational manager in 2009. During that time, he developed methods in Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy (CLEM) applied to cultured cells and to model organisms.
Yannick joined EMBL in 2012, as a team leader in the Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit and as head of the Electron Microscopy Core Facility (EMCF). The Schwab team is focused on methods development in multimodal correlations, combining in particular fluorescence or X-ray imaging of whole-mount specimens with volume EM. The EMCF offers access to a large portfolio of techniques in cellular EM, including ultrastructural analysis, volume electron microscopy and CL(X)EM on a variety of biological model systems.