Yvonne Holzapfel

Yvonne Holzapfel is a chemical laboratory technician and works at the Fraunhofer IPA in the area of cleanliness validation as head of the laboratory for technical cleanliness (cleanliness inspections for the automotive industry). In this role she has conducted cleanliness validation tests for various other branches and products, e.g. semiconductor industry, spacecraft industry, medical device industry, etc.

Professional career

  • 2013: VDA QMC Trainer for Cleanliness in Assembly
  • 2012: VDA QMC Trainer for Technical Cleanliness
  • 2006: Head of Technical Cleanliness Laboratory at Fraunhofer Institute Manufacturing Engineering and Automation, Department Ultraclean Technology and Micromanufacturing
  • 2000: Laboratory assistant at Fraunhofer Institute Manufacturing Engineering and Automation, Department Electroplating
  • 2000: Graduated chemical laboratory technician

Special competencies

  • VDA QMC trainer for Technical Cleanliness and Cleanliness in Assembly
  • Trained and experienced microscope user (Scanning Electron Microscope, Reflected Light and Stereo Microscopes)
  • Material analysis expert (Raman analysis, energy dispersive X-ray analysis, FTIR)
Type of contamination: spores

Cleanliness Analysis for Particulate Contamination

Devices, products, and their components fabricated in many industries can be quite sensitive to contamination and, as a result, have stringent requirements for technical cleanliness. Measurement…
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