Industrial Microscopy

Industrial Microscopy

Industrial Microscopy

Dive deep into detailed articles and webinars focusing on efficient inspection, optimized workflows, and ergonomic comfort in industrial and pathological contexts. Topics covered include quality control, materials analysis, microscopy in pathology, among many others. This is the place where you get valuable insights into using cutting-edge technologies for improving precision and efficiency in manufacturing processes as well as accurate pathological diagnosis and research.

A Guide to Darkfield Microscopes

A darkfield microscope offers a way to view the structures of many types of biological specimens in greater contrast without the need of stains.

A Guide to Phase Contrast

A phase contrast light microscope offers a way to view the structures of many types of biological specimens in greater contrast without the need of stains.

A Guide to Differential Interference Contrast (DIC)

A DIC microscope is a widefield microscopy which has a polarization filter and Wollaston prism between the light source and condenser lens and also between the objective lens and camera sensor or…
Fluorescence microscope image of a life-science specimen

An Introduction to Fluorescence

This article gives an introduction to fluorescence and photoluminescence, which includes phosphorescence, explains the basic theory behind them, and how fluorescence is used for microscopy.
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