Industrial Microscopy
Industrial Microscopy
Dive deep into detailed articles and webinars focusing on efficient inspection, optimized workflows, and ergonomic comfort in industrial and pathological contexts. Topics covered include quality control, materials analysis, microscopy in pathology, among many others. This is the place where you get valuable insights into using cutting-edge technologies for improving precision and efficiency in manufacturing processes as well as accurate pathological diagnosis and research.
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Multicolor 4D Super Resolution Light Sheet Microscopy
The AI Microscopy Symposium offers a unique forum for discussing the latest AI-based technologies and tools in the field of microscopy and biomedical imaging. In this scientific presentation, Yuxuan…

How to Keep Your Samples Under Physiological Conditions
The Coral Life workflow combines dynamic data with the best possible sample fixation by high pressure freezing. However, good sample preservation won’t help if your cells are stressed by temperature…

Putting Dynamic Live Cell Data into the Ultrastructural Context
With workflow Coral Life, searching for a needle in the haystack is a thing of the past. Take advantage of correlative light and electron microscopy to identify directly the right cell at the right…

Advancing Cell Biology with Cryo-Correlative Microscopy
Correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) advances biological discoveries by merging different microscopes and imaging modalities to study systems in 4D. Combining fluorescence microscopy with…

DIVE Multiphoton Microscope Image Gallery
Today’s life science research focusses on complex biological processes, such as the causes of cancer and other human diseases. A deep look into tissues and living specimens is vital to understanding…

Introduction to Mammalian Cell Culture
Mammalian cell culture is one of the basic pillars of life sciences. Without the ability to grow cells in the lab, the fast progress in disciplines like cell biology, immunology, or cancer research…

Gene Editing with CRISPR/Cas9 - Breakthrough in Genome Engineering
The CRISPR/Cas9 system is one of several different bacterial systems for defense against viral attacks. It consists of two main components. One is a small piece of RNA which binds to the viral target…

Immersion Freezing for Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopy: Applications
A well established usage case for cryo-TEM is three-dimensional reconstruction of isolated macromolecules, virus particles, or filaments. On one hand, these approaches are based on averaging of…

Brief Introduction to Freeze Fracture and Etching
Freeze fracture describes the technique of breaking a frozen specimen to reveal internal structures. Freeze etching is the sublimation of surface ice under vacuum to reveal details of the fractured…