Industrial Microscopy
Industrial Microscopy
Dive deep into detailed articles and webinars focusing on efficient inspection, optimized workflows, and ergonomic comfort in industrial and pathological contexts. Topics covered include quality control, materials analysis, microscopy in pathology, among many others. This is the place where you get valuable insights into using cutting-edge technologies for improving precision and efficiency in manufacturing processes as well as accurate pathological diagnosis and research.
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Expanding the Limits of Electron Microscopy Sample Preparation
Capturing the intricate changes in fine structure or in cell dynamics with conventional cryo solutions can be challenging sometimes. Leica Microsystems has developed a new cryo platform, the Leica EM…

See More Than Just Your Image
Despite the emergence of new imaging methods in recent years, true 3D resolution is still achieved by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM). Through a combination of novel, extremely fast scanning…

Live Cell Isolation by Laser Microdissection
Laser microdissection is a tool for the isolation of homogenous cell populations from their native niches in tissues to downstream molecular assays. Beside its routine use for fixed tissue sections,…

High Resolution Array Tomography with Automated Serial Sectioning
The optimization of high resolution, 3-dimensional (3D), sub-cellular structure analysis with array tomography using an automated serial sectioning solution, achieving a high section density on the…

Macroscale to Nanoscale Pore Analysis of Shale and Carbonate Rocks
Physical porosity in rocks, like shale and carbonate, has a large effect on the their storage capacity. The pore geometries also affect their permeability. Imaging the visible pore space provides…

Super-resolved STED spectroscopy
Molecular interactions are key in cellular signalling. They are often ruled or rendered by the mobility of the involved molecules.

Which Sensor is the Best for Confocal Imaging?
The Hybrid Photodetectors (HyD) are! Why that is the case is explained in this short Science Lab article.

Visualization of DNA Molecules
Precise low angle rotary shadowing with heavy metals (like platinum) can be used in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to observe molecular details of objects previously absorbed on a thin, low…

Using U-Shaped Glass Capillaries for Sample Mounting
The DLS microscope system from Leica Microsystems is an innovative concept which integrates the Light Sheet Microscopy technology into the confocal platform. Due to its unique optical architecture,…