Leica Microsystems

Leica Microsystems

Leica Microsystems is a world leader in microscopes and scientific instruments. Founded as a family business in the nineteenth century, the company’s history was marked by unparalleled innovation on its way to becoming a global enterprise.

Its historically close cooperation with the scientific community is the key to Leica Microsystems’ tradition of innovation, which draws on users’ ideas and creates solutions tailored to their requirements. At the global level, Leica Microsystems is organized in three divisions, all of which are among the leaders in their respective fields: Life Science, Industry and Medical.

The company is represented in over 100 countries with 6 manufacturing facilities in 5 countries, sales and service organizations in 20 countries, and an international network of dealers. The company is headquartered in Wetzlar, Germany.


GLP-1 and PYY localized to distinct secretory pools in L-cells.

Cutting-Edge Imaging Techniques for GPCR Signaling

With this webinar on-demand enhance your pharmacological research with our webinar on GPCR signaling and explore cutting-edge imaging techniques that aim to understand how GPCR signaling translates…
Stripe assay performed on a THUNDER Imager Cell. Courtesy of Maria Carrasquero Ordaz, University of Oxford.

Revealing Neuronal Migration’s Molecular Secrets

Different approaches can be used to investigate neuronal migration to their niche in the developing brain. In this webinar, experts from The University of Oxford present the microscopy tools and…
Salmonella biofilms 3D render

Exploring Microbial Worlds: Spatial Interactions in 3D Food Matrices

The Micalis Institute is a joint research unit in collaboration with INRAE, AgroParisTech, and Université Paris-Saclay. Its mission is to develop innovative research in the field of food microbiology…
Mouse brain (left) microdissected with a 10x objective (upper right). Inspection of the collection device (lower right).

Molecular Biology Analysis facilitated with Laser Microdissection (LMD)

Extracting biomolecules, proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and chromosomes, as well as extracting and manipulating cells and tissues with laser microdissection (LMD) enables insights to be gained into…
Multiplexed Cell DIVE imaging to characterize the spatial landscape in Human Alzheimer’s Cortical Tissue

Probing Human Alzheimer's Cortical Section using Spatial Multiplexing

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disease and is characterized by the progressive decline of cognitive function. Spatial profiling of AD brain may reveal cellular…
Brightfield image of a pig liver stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE).

Spatial Metabolomics: Exploring Tumor Complexity and Therapeutic Insights

In cancer research, it is vital to understand the interaction between tumor cells and their microenvironment, as the tumor microenvironment influences tumor progression significantly. Spatial…
Immunofluorescence image of a mouse enodmetrial organoid stained with CK14 and DAPI

Advancing Uterine Regenerative Therapies with Endometrial Organoids

Prof. Kang's group investigates important factors that determine the uterine microenvironment in which embryo insertion and pregnancy are successfully maintained. They are working to develop new…
Mosaic scan of a Masson-Goldner stained cat brain. Magnification: 20x.

Lipidomics Analysis of Sparse Cells based on Laser Microdissection

Delve into cellular intricacies with high-coverage targeted lipidomics analysis of sparse cells. This advanced method, integrating Laser Microdissection (LMD) and Liquid Chromatography-Mass…
Image of magnetic steel taken with a 100x objective using Kerr microscopy. The magnetic domains in the grains appear in the image with lighter and darker patterns. A few domains are marked with red arrows. Courtesy of Florian Lang-Melzian, Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany.

Rapidly Visualizing Magnetic Domains in Steel with Kerr Microscopy

The rotation of polarized light after interaction with magnetic domains in a material, known as the Kerr effect, enables the investigation of magnetized samples with Kerr microscopy. It allows rapid…
AI-based transfection analysis (left) of U2OS cells which were transfected with a fluorescently labelled protein. A fluorescence image of the cells (right) is also shown. The analysis and imaging were performed with Mateo FL.

Leveraging AI for Efficient Analysis of Cell Transfection

This article explores the pivotal role of artificial intelligence (AI) in optimizing transfection efficiency measurements within the context of 2D cell culture studies. Precise and reliable…
AI-based cell counting performed with a phase-contrast and fluorescence image using the Mateo FL microscope.

Precision and Efficiency with AI-Enhanced Cell Counting

This article describes the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for precise and efficient cell counting. Accurate cell counting is important for research with 2D cell cultures, e.g., cellular dynamics,…
Image of confluent cells taken with phase contrast (left) and analyzed for confluency using AI (right).

AI Confluency Analysis for Enhanced Precision in 2D Cell Culture

This article explains how efficient, precise confluency assessment of 2D cell culture can be done with artificial intelligence (AI). Assessing confluency, the percentage of surface area covered,…
Cell DIVE image of stromal remodeling around B cell follicles of follicular lymphoma patients. Stromal cells labeled with antibodies against desmin (red), SPARC (orange), vimentin (blue), and a-sma (yellow). Extracellular matrix labeled with antibody against lumican (cyan). B cells labeled with antibody against CD20 (green). Image credit: Dr. Andrea Radtke, Center for Advanced Tissue Imaging, NIAID, NIH

Empowering Spatial Biology with Open Multiplexing and Cell DIVE

Spatial biology and multiplexed imaging workflows have become important in immuno-oncology research. Many researchers struggle with study efficiency, even with effective tools and protocols. Here, we…
Image of murine dopaminergic neurons which have been marked for laser microdissection (LMD).

Neuron Isolation in Spatial Context with Laser Microdissection (LMD)

After Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s is the second most common progressive neurodegenerative disease. Before the first symptoms manifest, up to 70% of dopamine-releasing neurons in the mid-brain…

How did Laser Microdissection enable Pioneering Neuroscience Research?

Dr. Marta Paterlini, a Senior Scientist at the Karolinska Institute, shares her experience of using laser microdissection (LMD) in groundbreaking research into adult human neurogenesis and offers…
Region of a patterned wafer inspected using optical microscopy and automated and reproducible DIC (differential interference contrast). With DIC users are able to visualize small height differences on the wafer surface more easily.

6-Inch Wafer Inspection Microscope for Reliably Observing Small Height Differences

A 6-inch wafer inspection microscope with automated and reproducible DIC (differential interference contrast) imaging, no matter the skill level of users, is described in this article. Manufacturing…
Optical microscope image, which is a composition of both brightfield and fluorescence illumination, showing organic contamination on a wafer surface. The inset images in the upper left corner show the brightfield image (above) and fluorescence image (below with dark background).

Visualizing Photoresist Residue and Organic Contamination on Wafers

As the scale of integrated circuits (ICs) on semiconductors passes below 10 nm, efficient detection of organic contamination, like photoresist residue, and defects during wafer inspection is becoming…
Evolved ARveo 8: Operating Room (OR) set-up.

Augmented Reality: Transforming Neurosurgical Procedures

In this ebook, you will explore the exciting advances that Augmented Reality (AR) brings to the field of neurosurgery. This comprehensive guide, including explanatory videos, addresses key questions…

AI-Powered Multiplexed Image Analysis to Explore Colon Adenocarcinoma

In this application note, we demonstrate a spatial biology workflow via an AI-powered multiplexed image analysis-based exploration of the tumor immune microenvironment in colon adenocarcinoma.

Laser Microdissection Protocols for Tissue and Cell Isolation - Download free eBook

In this Bio-protocol Selections, we present a collection of open-access, detailed methods papers using LCM to purify and isolate tissues and cells from plants, mouse embryos, cancer cells, neurons,…
The role of extracellular signalling mechanisms in the correct development of the human brain

How do Cells Talk to Each Other During Neurodevelopment?

Professor Silvia Capello presents her group’s research on cellular crosstalk in neurodevelopmental disorders, using models such as cerebral organoids and assembloids.

Workflow Solutions for Sample Preparation Methods for Material Science

This brochure presents and explains appropriate workflow solutions for the most frequently required sample preparation methods for material science samples.
Intestinal organoids label with FUCCI reporter to follow cell cycle dynamics. Courtesy of Franziska Moos. Liberali lab. FMI Basel (Switzerland).

Dual-View LightSheet Microscope for Large Multicellular Systems

Visualizing the dynamics of complex multicellular systems is a fundamental goal in biology. To address the challenges of live imaging over large spatiotemporal scales, Franziska Moos et. al. present…

A Meta-cancer Analysis of the Tumor Spatial Microenvironment

Learn how clustering analysis of Cell DIVE datasets in Aivia can be used to understand tissue-specific and pan-cancer mechanisms of cancer progression
Multiplexed Cell DIVE imaging of Colon Adenocarcinoma (CAC) tissue. A panel of approximately 30 biomarkers targeted towards various leukocyte lineages, epithelial, stromal, and endothelial cell types was utilized to characterize the tumor immune microenvironment in human colon adenocarcinoma (CAC) tissue.

Mapping the Landscape of Colorectal Adenocarcinoma with Imaging and AI

Discover deep insights in colon adenocarcinoma and other immuno-oncology realms through the potent combination of multiplexed imaging of Cell DIVE and Aivia AI-based image analysis
Clustering based analysis reveals various immune cell populations enriched in tumor cells within CT26.WT syngeneic mouse tumor models.

Spatial Architecture of Tumor and Immune Cells in Tumor Tissues

Dig deep into the spatial biology of cancer progression and mouse immune-oncology in this poster, and learn how tumor metabolism can effect immune cell function.
Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma with 11 Aerobic Glycolysis/Warburg Effect biomarkers shown – BCAT, Glut1, HK2, HTR2B, LDHA, NaKATPase, PCAD, PCK26, PKM2, SMA1, and Vimentin.

IBEX, Cell DIVE, and RNA-Seq: A Multi-omics Approach to Follicular Lymphoma

In a recent study by Radtke et al., a multi-omics spatial biology approach helps shed light on early relapsing lymphoma patients
40x magnification of organoids cluster taken on Mateo TL.Cell type: esophageal squamous carcinoma; scale  bar 15µm. Courtesy of bioGenous, China.

Overcoming Observational Challenges in Organoid 3D Cell Culture

Learn how to overcome challenges in observing organoid growth. Read this article and discover new solutions for real-time monitoring which do not disturb the 3D structure of the organoids over time.
Image of burrs (red arrows) at the edge of a battery electrode acquired with a DVM6 digital microscope.

Burr Detection During Battery Manufacturing

See how optical microscopy can be used for burr detection on battery electrodes and determination of damage potential to achieve rapid and reliable quality control during battery manufacturing.
Particles observed on the surface of a particle trap which could be used for technical cleanliness during battery production.

Battery Particle Detection During the Production Process

How battery particle detection and analysis is enhanced with optical microscopy and laser spectroscopy for rapid, reliable, and cost-effective QC during battery production is explained in this…
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