University of Southern California (USC), Biological Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, USA

The Programs in Biomedical and Biological Sciences (PIBBS) is the gateway into interdisciplinary PhD programs at the Keck School of Medicine of USC. Our PhD programs are interdepartmental and are focused on broad approaches to modern biomedical research. PIBBS is an umbrella program with distinguished faculty focused on health-related research from the Keck School of Medicine, USC School of Pharmacy, and Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. The PIBBS program offers students breadth and flexibility to best pursue their interests across a wide range of biomedical PhD research topics.

Source: (11/27/2023)

A New Method for Convenient and Efficient Multicolor Imaging

The technique combining hyperspectral unmixing and phasor analysis was developed to simplify the process of getting images from a sample labeled with multiple fluorophores. This aggregate method…
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