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Download EM Workflow Solutions Booklet

3D reconstruction of an intercellular bridge in a C. elegans embryo cryo-workflow-lp-mz.jpg

Leica Nano Technology Life Sciences. This publication is a compilation of appropriate workflows for the most frequently used sample preparation methods:

  • Correlative Methodologies
  • Optogenetics & Electro-Physiology
  • Surface Analysis
  • 2D Tissue & Cellular Morphology
  • 3D Tissue & Cellular Morphology
  • Suspensions & Macromolecules


The solutions discussed in this 26 page workflow booklet are proven to give fast, reliable and reproducible results. If you have special requirements for your workflow or any questions regarding the topics shown here, our Leica experts will be happy to assist you at any time.

The booklet is available in English.

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