Insights into Vesicle Trafficking
STELLARIS provides integral access to complementary layers of information for dynamic, structural, and mechanistic insights into vesicle trafficking.

Imaging live cells is key to reveal their inner workings, dynamics, and function. Current technological advances in confocal imaging can benefit from novel fluorescence labeling strategies and biosensors.
With these advances, it is possible to probe biologically relevant processes faster and easier than before. Still, understanding the underlying mechanisms of any given process requires the observation of a specimen from different angles. Intensity-based imaging provides a reliable view of the spatial organization and distribution of intracellular species and organelles, whereas lifetime-based approaches can elicit information from the micro-environment and other functional related signals.
Moreover, fluorescence nanoscopies have evolved into the go-to techniques to examine structural details beyond the physical diffraction limits, with molecular specificity, and within the crowded cellular milieu.
What to expect in the webinar
About the Webinar
In this talk we will show how STELLARIS provides an integral access to these different layers of information from dynamic, structural, and mechanistic insights into vesicle trafficking.
The endocytic vesicles shuttle materials between different cellular compartments, with the extracellular space, and the endocytic pathway is vital to almost all aspects of cell life and disease. This pathway is of particular interest in host-pathogen studies as many viruses and bacteria can exploit it as a cell entry point.
Key Learnings
- Discover how the Power HyD detector family contributes to the sensitivity of STELLARIS and how our lifetime-based technology TauSense enables the study micro-environmental changes (e.g. pH).
- Understand how TauSTED works and how a fast lifetime-based readout is essential in its implementation.
- Learn how the TauSTED approach delivers cutting-edge resolution and image quality at low light dose, key to studying nanoscale dynamics of cellular processes.