Life Science Research

Life Science Research

Life Science Research

This is the place to expand your knowledge, research capabilities, and practical applications of microscopy in various scientific fields. Learn how to achieve precise visualization, image interpretation, and research advancements. Find insightful information on advanced microscopy, imaging techniques, sample preparation, and image analysis. Topics covered include cell biology, neuroscience, and cancer research with a focus on cutting-edge applications and innovations.
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma tissue section imaged with Cell DIVE

Multiplexed Imaging Types, Benefits and Applications

Multiplexed imaging is an emerging and exciting way to extract information from human tissue samples by visualizing many more biomarkers than traditional microscopy. By observing many biomarkers…
Colon adenocarcinoma with 13 biomarkers shown

Hyperplex Cancer Tissue Analysis at Single Cell Level with Cell DIVE

The ability to study how lymphoma cell heterogeneity is influenced by the cells’ response to their microenvironment, especially at the mutational, transcriptomic, and protein levels. Protein…

Designing your Research Study with Multiplexed IF Imaging

Multiplexed tissue analysis is a powerful technique that allows comparisons of cell-type locations and cell-type interactions within a single fixed tissue sample. It is common for researchers to ask…

Be Confident in your Results with Cell DIVE Validated Antibodies

The Cell DIVE System includes a carefully curated list of hundreds of commercially available antibodies validated to offer optimal specificity and sensitivity in multiplexed imaging. That validation…
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