Life Science Research

Life Science Research

Life Science Research

This is the place to expand your knowledge, research capabilities, and practical applications of microscopy in various scientific fields. Learn how to achieve precise visualization, image interpretation, and research advancements. Find insightful information on advanced microscopy, imaging techniques, sample preparation, and image analysis. Topics covered include cell biology, neuroscience, and cancer research with a focus on cutting-edge applications and innovations.

How to use a Surgical Microscope as an Operating Room Nurse

Surgical microscopes play an essential role in the modern microsurgery procedures. It provides the surgeon, assistant and operating room staff with a magnified and illuminated high-quality image of…
Cochlea implant. Illustration: © MED-EL.

Cochlea Implants for Deaf and Severely Hard of Hearing

The cochlea implant (CI) replaces the function of the outer ear, the middle ear and the ­cochlea of the inner ear. Basically, it consists of an external unit comprising a microphone, speech processor,…
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