Life Science Research
Life Science Research
This is the place to expand your knowledge, research capabilities, and practical applications of microscopy in various scientific fields. Learn how to achieve precise visualization, image interpretation, and research advancements. Find insightful information on advanced microscopy, imaging techniques, sample preparation, and image analysis. Topics covered include cell biology, neuroscience, and cancer research with a focus on cutting-edge applications and innovations.
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Depth of Field in Microscope Images
For microscopy imaging, depth of field is an important parameter when needing sharp images of sample areas with structures having significant changes in depth. In practice, depth of field is…

How To Create EDOF (Extended Depth of Focus) Images
Watch this video to see how you can rapidly record sharp optical microscope images of samples with a large height variation. This is done with the optional Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) function of…

Confocal and Light Sheet Imaging
Optical imaging instrumentation can magnify tiny objects, zoom in on distant stars and reveal details that are invisible to the naked eye. But it notoriously suffers from an annoying problem: the…

FusionOptics in Neurosurgery and Ophthalmology – for a Larger 3D Area in Focus
Neurosurgeons and ophthalmologists deal with delicate structures, deep or narow cavities and tiny structures with vitally important functions. A clear, three-dimensional view on the surgical field is…