Discover the new technologies transforming oncological reconstructive surgery, with the progressive shift to a hybrid Operating Room. Learn about the opportunities each technology offers, and how they can help overcome challenges and limitations, improving the quality of reconstructions.
White Paper table of contents
- Introduction
- Microsurgery evolution: key technological milestones throughout the years
- Oncological reconstructive surgery: surgical assistance technologies improving outcomes
- Ergonomic visualization posture avoiding musculoskeletal problems
- Indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence to assess anastomosis and flap viability
- Cutting guides and 3D printing improving difficult reconstructions
- AR and high magnification facilitating microsurgery interventions and challenging cases such as lymphoedema surgery
- Full-HD eyepiece image injection for complex microsurgery
- 2D and 3D video recording for training and teaching purposes
- The future of reconstructive surgery: innovations paving the way
- Smart glasses with AR within see-through projection systems
- Robot assistance overcoming human limitations
- Artificial Intelligence for computer-assisted
- decision-making
- Telesurgery remote guidance
- Conclusion
Note: This document contains viewpoints and experiences expressed by Dr. Romain Bosc and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of any institution with whom he is affiliated.
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