Advances in Oncological Reconstructive Surgery

How Innovation & Technology Contribute to Augmenting the Surgeon’s Abilities

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Decision making and patient care in oncological reconstructive surgery have considerably evolved in recent years. New surgical assistance technologies are helping surgeons push the boundaries of what can be achieved. These technologies include: ergonomic surgical microscopes, indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence, cutting guides and 3D printing, Augmented Reality and high magnification, full HD eye-piece image injection as well as 2D and 3D video recording.

In the White Paper accessible below, Dr. Romain Bosc, a Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgeon at the Henri Mondor Hospital in Créteil, France, looks at how each of these technologies support surgeons and the role they can play. He explores the benefits and cases in which they are particularly useful, to reduce complications and improve outcomes.

Dr. Bosc also discusses the future of reconstructive surgery, and the emerging groundbreaking technologies currently being tested. These innovative solutions, such as smart glasses with Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence for computer-assisted decision-making, robot assistance and telesurgery remote guidance, could further augment surgeons’ abilities.

Discover the new technologies transforming oncological reconstructive surgery, with the progressive shift to a hybrid Operating Room. Learn about the opportunities each technology offers, and how they can help overcome challenges and limitations, improving the quality of reconstructions.

White Paper table of contents

“How Innovation and Technology contribute to augmenting the surgeon’s abilities”, written and illustrated by Dr. Romain Bosc, in collaboration with Leica Microsystems.

  • Introduction
  • Microsurgery evolution: key technological milestones throughout the years
  • Oncological reconstructive surgery: surgical assistance technologies improving outcomes
    • Ergonomic visualization posture avoiding musculoskeletal problems
    • Indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence to assess anastomosis and flap viability
    • Cutting guides and 3D printing improving difficult reconstructions
    • AR and high magnification facilitating microsurgery interventions and challenging cases such as lymphoedema surgery
    • Full-HD eyepiece image injection for complex microsurgery
    • 2D and 3D video recording for training and teaching purposes
  • The future of reconstructive surgery: innovations paving the way
    • Smart glasses with AR within see-through projection systems
    • Robot assistance overcoming human limitations
    • Artificial Intelligence for computer-assisted
    • decision-making
    • Telesurgery remote guidance
  • Conclusion

Note: This document contains viewpoints and experiences expressed by Dr. Romain Bosc and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of any institution with whom he is affiliated.

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