Neurosurgery with Heads-up Display

Expert Interview on the Benefits of Exoscopic Surgery with Heads-up Display


In the following video interviews Prof. Dr. Raphael Guzman, Vice Chairman of the Department of Neurosurgery at the University Hospital in Basel, Switzerland, talks about his experience in heads-up surgery with the ARveo augmented reality microscope in surgery.

Find out what Prof. Guzman says about:

Find out what Prof. Guzman says about:

  1. Development of the digital image quality vs. the optical image quality
  2. Ergonomic advantages of heads-up surgery, especially in challenging operating positions
  3. Impact of Heads-up surgery on OR set-up and teaching
  4. Increased connectivity and integration of digital technologies like IGS and Augmented Reality
  5. Heads-up display facilitating the GLOW AR to become part of daily practice

Heads-up surgery – a new era in neurosurgery

In this part of the interview Prof. Dr. Guzman explains how advances in the digital imaging quality of surgical microscopes, like the ARveo, have paved the way for new surgical operating approaches. Today, Guzman says,  heads-up surgery combines ergonomic advantages with an excellent image quality. Find out more in the following video. 

Ergonomic benefits of heads-up surgery in neurovascular procedures

Learn more about the ergonomic benefits that heads-up or exoscopic surgery provides to neurosurgeons, especially in surgeries that require complicated operating approaches, such as Posterior Fossa surgery for pineal region tumors. Dr. Guzman describes, how cutting-edge heads-up technology helps to improve the ergonomics during such kind of challenging surgeries.

Planning for an efficient OR set-up prior exoscopic surgery

Operating in a heads-up mode implies a different OR set-up. The key point according to Prof. Dr. Guzman is thinking ahead for the placement of both the microscope and the heads-up screen in relation to the surgeon and everything else in OR. Find out more about the set-up process of an operating room when using the heads-up technology in the following video:

Benefits of integrating digital technologies into neurosurgical procedures

The increased connectivity of the ARveo with other digital technologies, such as IGS, Augmented Reality Fluorescences provides an enormous advantage for neurovascular surgery. The entire team in the OR can experience the vascular surgery augmented in 3D image quality. On a large  overhead display they can follow the procedure, observe intraoperative blood flow in real-time with GLOW800, see the tumor demarcation and experience enhanced depth perception.

GLOW800 becoming part of everyday practice in neurovascular surgery

Prof. Dr. Guzman describes the journey from using black and white imaging filter to the eye-opening difference that comes with the arrival of the latest version of the GLOW800. He says that heads-up visualization benefits from the new 4K 3D screen technology and results in an even better GLOW800 experience.

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