Medical Specialties

Medical Specialties

Medical Specialties

Explore a comprehensive collection of scientific and clinical resources tailored for HCPs, including peer insights, clinical case studies, and symposia. Designed for neurosurgeons, ophthalmologists, and specialists in Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, ENT, and dentistry. This collection highlights the latest advancements in surgical microscopy. Discover how cutting-edge surgical technologies, such as AR fluorescence, 3D visualization, and intraoperative OCT imaging, empower confident decision-making and precision in complex surgeries.
Mouse kidney section with Alexa Fluor™ 488 WGA, Alexa Fluor™ 568 Phalloidin, and DAPI. Sample is a FluoCells™ prepared slide #3 from Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA. Images courtesy of Dr. Reyna Martinez – De Luna, Upstate Medical University, Department of Ophthalmology.

The Power of Pairing Adaptive Deconvolution with Computational Clearing

Learn how deconvolution allows you to overcome losses in image resolution and contrast in widefield fluorescence microscopy due to the wave nature of light and the diffraction of light by optical…

Improvement of Imaging Techniques to Understand Organelle Membrane Cell Dynamics

Understanding cell functions in normal and tumorous tissue is a key factor in advancing research of potential treatment strategies and understanding why some treatments might fail. Single-cell…
Mouse lymphnode acquired with a THUNDER Imager 3D Cell Culture. Image courtesy of Dr. Selina Keppler, Munich, Germany.

Image Gallery: THUNDER Imager

To help you answer important scientific questions, THUNDER Imagers eliminate the out-of-focus blur that clouds the view of thick samples when using camera-based fluorescence microscopes. They achieve…

From Organs to Tissues to Cells: Analyzing 3D Specimens with Widefield Microscopy

Obtaining high-quality data and images from thick 3D samples is challenging using traditional widefield microscopy because of the contribution of out-of-focus light. In this webinar, Falco Krüger…
Mouse retina was fixed and stained by following reagents: anti-CD31 antibody (green): Endothelia cells, IsoB4 (red): Blood vessels, and microglia anti-GFAP antibody (blue): Astrocytes Sample courtesy by Jeremy Burton, PhD and Jiyeon Lee, PhD, Genentech Inc., South San Francisco, USA. Imaged by Olga Davydenko, PhD (Leica). Imaged with a THUNDER Imager 3D Cell Culture.

An Introduction to Computational Clearing

Many software packages include background subtraction algorithms to enhance the contrast of features in the image by reducing background noise. The most common methods used to remove background noise…

Factors to Consider When Selecting a Research Microscope

An optical microscope is often one of the central devices in a life-science research lab. It can be used for various applications which shed light on many scientific questions. Thereby the…

Computational Clearing - Enhance 3D Specimen Imaging

This webinar is designed to clarify crucial specifications that contribute to THUNDER Imagers' transformative visualization of 3D samples and improvements within a researcher's imaging-related…

THUNDER Imagers: High Performance, Versatility and Ease-of-Use for your Everyday Imaging Workflows

This webinar will showcase the versatility and performance of THUNDER Imagers in many different life science applications: from counting nuclei in retina sections and RNA molecules in cancer tissue…

Alzheimer Plaques: fast Visualization in Thick Sections

More than 60% of all diagnosed cases of dementia are attributed to Alzheimer’s disease. Typical of this disease are histological alterations in the brain tissue. So far, there is no cure for this…
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