Science Lab

Science Lab

Science Lab

Learn. Share. Contribute. The knowledge portal of Leica Microsystems. Find scientific research and teaching material on the subject of microscopy. The portal supports beginners, experienced practitioners and scientists alike in their everyday work and experiments. Explore interactive tutorials and application notes, discover the basics of microscopy as well as high-end technologies. Become part of the Science Lab community and share your expertise.
Dissecting microscope.

Selecting the Right Dissecting Microscope

You can spend many hours looking through the eyepieces of a dissecting microscope whenever dissections must be done. Leica Microsystems lets you select from a diverse array of microscopes and…

A Guide to Zebrafish Research

For the best result during screening, sorting, manipulation, and imaging you need to see details and structures to make the right decisions for your next steps in research. Known for outstanding…
Stereo microscopes are often considered the workhorses of laboratories and production sites.

Key Factors to Consider When Selecting a Stereo Microscope

This article explains key factors that help users determine which stereo microscope solution can best meet their needs, depending on the application.
Strain from using a microscope can lead to musculoskeletal pain.

Microscope Ergonomics

This article explains microscope ergonomics and how it helps users work in comfort, enabling consistency and efficiency. Learn how to set up the workplace to keep good posture when using a microscope.
Inspection microscope image of a printed circuit board (PCB) taken with a ring light (RL) and near vertical illumination (NVI).

Microscope Illumination for Industrial Applications

Inspection microscope users can obtain information from this article which helps them choose the optimal microscope illumination or lighting system for inspection of parts or components.
Electronic component

Top Challenges for Visual Inspection

This article discusses the challenges encountered when performing visual inspection and rework using a microscope. Using the right type of microscope and optical setup is paramount in order to…
Visual inspection of a PCBA with the Ivesta 3 Greenough stereo microscope.

How to Select the Right Solution for Visual Inspection

This article helps users with the decision-making process when selecting a microscope as a solution for routine visual inspection. Important factors that should be considered are described.
Comparison when observing a rodent model organism with a Greenough versus CMO (common main objective) stereo microscope for a task like surgery.

Rodent and Small-Animal Surgery

Learn how you can perform rodent (mouse, rat, hamster) and small-animal surgery efficiently with a microscope for developmental biology and medical research applications by reading this article.
Gene editing with Cas9

Gene Editing with CRISPR/Cas9 - Breakthrough in Genome Engineering

The CRISPR/Cas9 system is one of several different bacterial systems for defense against viral attacks. It consists of two main components. One is a small piece of RNA which binds to the viral target…
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