Science Lab

Science Lab

Science Lab

Learn. Share. Contribute. The knowledge portal of Leica Microsystems. Find scientific research and teaching material on the subject of microscopy. The portal supports beginners, experienced practitioners and scientists alike in their everyday work and experiments. Explore interactive tutorials and application notes, discover the basics of microscopy as well as high-end technologies. Become part of the Science Lab community and share your expertise.
Murine esophageal organoids (DAPI, Integrin26-AF 488, SOX2-AF568) imaged with the THUNDER Imager 3D Cell Culture. Courtesy of Dr. F.T. Arroso Martins, Tamere University, Finland.

How to Get Deeper Insights into your Organoid and Spheroid Models

In this eBook, learn about key considerations for imaging 3D cultures, such as organoids and spheroids, and discover microscopy solutions to shed new insights into dynamic processes in 3D real-time
Fluorescence microscopy image of liver tissue where DNA in the nuclei are stained with Feulgen-pararosanilin and visualized with transmitted green light.

Epi-Illumination Fluorescence and Reflection-Contrast Microscopy

This article discusses the development of epi-illumination and reflection contrast for fluorescence microscopy concerning life-science applications. Much was done by the Ploem research group…
Molecular structure of the green fluorescent protein (GFP)

Introduction to Fluorescent Proteins

Overview of fluorescent proteins (FPs) from, red (RFP) to green (GFP) and blue (BFP), with a table showing their relevant spectral characteristics.
Branched organoid growing in collagen where the Nuclei are labeled blue. To detect the mechanosignaling process, the YAP1 is labeled green.

Examining Developmental Processes In Cancer Organoids

Interview: Prof. Bausch and Dr. Pastucha, Technical University of Munich, discuss using microscopy to study development of organoids, stem cells, and other relevant disease models for biomedical…
Fluorescence microscope image of a life-science specimen

An Introduction to Fluorescence

This article gives an introduction to fluorescence and photoluminescence, which includes phosphorescence, explains the basic theory behind them, and how fluorescence is used for microscopy.
Masson-Goldner staining of a hedgehog brain slice.

How to Image Histological and Fluorescent Samples with One System

VIDEO ON DEMAND - How to image histological and fluorescent samples with one system. FluoSync, the new technology embedded into Mica enables the imaging of both histological staining and fluorescence…

How to Radically Simplify Workflows in Your Imaging Facility

VIDEO ON DEMAND - How to radically simplify imaging workflows and generate meaningful results with less time and effort using a highly automated microscope that unites widefield and confocal imaging.

FluoSync - a Fast & Gentle Method for Unmixing Multicolor Images

In this white paper, we focus on a fast and reliable method for obtaining high-quality multiplex images in fluorescence microscopy. FluoSync combines an existing method for hybrid unmixing with…

Harnessing Microfluidics to Maintain Cell Health During Live-Cell Imaging

VIDEO ON DEMAND - In this webinar on-demand, we will use microfluidics to explore the effect of shear stress on cell morphology, examine the effect of nutrient replenishment on cellular growth during…
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