Science Lab
Science Lab
The knowledge portal of Leica Microsystems offers scientific research and teaching material on the subjects of microscopy. The content is designed to support beginners, experienced practitioners and scientists alike in their everyday work and experiments. Explore interactive tutorials and application notes, discover the basics of microscopy as well as high-end technologies – become part of the Science Lab community and share your expertise!
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Dig Deeper Into the Complexities of Pancreatic Cancer with Multiplex Imaging
Cell DIVE is an iterative staining workflow for multiplexed imaging that unveils biological pathways to dig deeper into the complexities of pancreatic cancer.
Central Nervous System (CNS) Development and Activity in Organisms
This article shows how studying central nervous system (CNS) development in Drosophila-melanogaster embryos expressing a GCaMP calcium indicator in the neurons can be improved with a THUNDER Imager.
How is Microscopy Used in Spatial Biology? A Microscopy Guide
Different spatial biology methods in microscopy, such as multiplex imaging, are helping to better understand tissue landscapes. Learn more in this microscopy guide.
Complex Made Simple: Antibodies in Multiplexed Imaging
Build panels, plan studies, and get the most from precious reagents using this antibody multiplexing guide from Leica Microsystems
What is the Patch-Clamp Technique?
This article gives an introduction to the patch-clamp technique and how it is used to study the physiology of ion channels for neuroscience and other life-science fields.
Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) Microscopy
This article demonstrates how differential interference contrast (DIC) can be actually better than brightfield illumination when using microscopy to image unstained biological specimens.
AR Fluorescence in Aneurysm Clipping and AVM Surgery
Discover how GLOW800 Augmented Reality fluorescence supports neurovascular surgical procedures and in particular aneurysm clipping and AVM surgery.
How to Image Histological and Fluorescent Samples with One System
VIDEO ON DEMAND - How to image histological and fluorescent samples with one system. FluoSync, the new technology embedded into Mica enables the imaging of both histological staining and fluorescence…
Digital Inspection Microscope for Industrial Applications
Factors users should consider before choosing a digital inspection microscope for industrial applications, including quality control (QC), failure analysis (FA), and R&D, are described in this…