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Science Lab

The knowledge portal of Leica Microsystems offers scientific research and teaching material on the subjects of microscopy. The content is designed to support beginners, experienced practitioners and scientists alike in their everyday work and experiments. Explore interactive tutorials and application notes, discover the basics of microscopy as well as high-end technologies – become part of the Science Lab community and share your expertise!
3D-volume-rendered light-sheet microscope image of a spheroid showing depth coding in different colors.

Imaging of Anti-Cancer Drug Uptake in Spheroids using DLS

Spheroid 3D cell culture models mimic the physiology and functions of living tissues making them a useful tool to study tumor morphology and screen anti-cancer drugs. The drug AZD2014 is a recognized…
Single timepoint of a time-lapse recording of mammary epithelial micro spheroid cultured in 3D highlighting individual mitotic events

Observing Complex Cellular Interactions at Multiple Scales

Learn how to observe challenging cellular interactions with easy to deploy object detection and relationship measurements.
Electronic component

Top Challenges for Visual Inspection

This article discusses the challenges encountered when performing visual inspection and rework using a microscope. Using the right type of microscope and optical setup is paramount in order to…
Particle analysis with LIBS using the DM6 M LIBS 2-in-1 solution: Particle of brass, an alloy of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn).

High Speed for Your Material Analysis Workflow

Learn from our expert, Dr. Konstantin Kartaschew, how the intelligent combination of light microscopy with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) will truly accelerate your root-cause-analysis…

How to Boost your Microelectronic Component Inspection Performance

Do you need to see more when inspecting silicon wafers or MEMS? Would you like to get sharp and detailed sample images which are similar to those from electron microscopes? Watch this free webinar…
Sport Fabrics Taped I3 10x Color

How Industrial Applications Benefit from Fluorescence Microscopy

Watch this free webinar to know more about what you can do with fluorescence microscopy for industrial applications. We will cover a wide range of investigations where fluorescence contrast offers new…

How to Select a Microscope for Cataract Surgery

What to consider in the selection of an ophthalmic microscope for cataract procedures. Bearing these aspects in mind will equip surgeons well for talks with manufacturer representatives. Many…
Spontaneous colon adenoma

Intravital Microscopy of Cancer

Join our guest speaker Prof Dr Jacco van Rheenen, as he presents his work on the identity, behavior and fate of cells that drive the initiation and progression of cancer.
Aivia_Neuroscience-VBE comparison mouse-1_traced_ROI

Accelerating Neuron Image Analysis with Automation

The ability to examine complex neural processes relies on the accurate reconstruction of neuronal networks at scale. Most data extraction methods in neuroscience research are time-consuming and…
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