Science Lab
Science Lab
The knowledge portal of Leica Microsystems offers scientific research and teaching material on the subjects of microscopy. The content is designed to support beginners, experienced practitioners and scientists alike in their everyday work and experiments. Explore interactive tutorials and application notes, discover the basics of microscopy as well as high-end technologies – become part of the Science Lab community and share your expertise!
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How does an Automated Rating Solution for Steel Inclusions Work?
The rating of non-metallic inclusions (NMIs) to determine steel quality is critical for many industrial applications. For an efficient and cost-effective steel quality evaluation, an automated NMI…
An Introduction to Computational Clearing
Many software packages include background subtraction algorithms to enhance the contrast of features in the image by reducing background noise. The most common methods used to remove background noise…
Challenges Faced When Manually Rating Non-Metallic Inclusions (NMIs) to Determine Steel Quality
Rapid, accurate, and reliable rating of non-metallic inclusions (NMIs) is instrumental for the determination of steel quality. This article describes the challenges that arise from manual NMI rating,…
Learn how to Remove Autofluorescence from your Confocal Images
Autofluorescence can significantly reduce what you can see in a confocal experiment. This article explores causes of autofluorescence as well as different ways to remove it, from simple media fixes to…
Bridging Structure and Dynamics at the Nanoscale through Optogenetics and Electrical Stimulation
Nanoscale ultrastructural information is typically obtained by means of static imaging of a fixed and processed specimen. However, this is only a snapshot of one moment within a dynamic system in…
Real Time Images of 3D Specimens with Sharp Contrast Free of Haze
THUNDER Imagers deliver in real time images of 3D specimens with sharp contrast, free of the haze or out-of-focus blur typical of widefield systems. They can even image clearly places deep inside a…