Science Lab

Science Lab

Science Lab

Learn. Share. Contribute. The knowledge portal of Leica Microsystems. Find scientific research and teaching material on the subject of microscopy. The portal supports beginners, experienced practitioners and scientists alike in their everyday work and experiments. Explore interactive tutorials and application notes, discover the basics of microscopy as well as high-end technologies. Become part of the Science Lab community and share your expertise.
Image Guided Surgery

Navigating Through the Brain

One of the challenges of neurosurgery is orientation at the surgical site. When resecting tumors, removing arteriovenous malformations, or clipping aneurysms, surgeons often have to work near healthy…
Left: Tissue cells marked with an immunolabel (FITC) illuminated with wide-band UV excitation. Note the tissue structure with blue autofluorescence. Right: Same tissue and same immunostaining with FITC label illuminated with epi-illumination using narrow-band blue (490 nm) light. Note the increased image contrast (Ploem, 1967)

Milestones in Incident Light Fluorescence Microscopy

Since the middle of the last century, fluorescence microscopy developed into a bio scientific tool with one of the biggest impacts on our understanding of life. Watching cells and proteins with the…
HeLa cells stimulated with LPS. Image has been subjected to deconvolution.

Chronic Inflammation Under the Microscope

In the course of chronic inflammation certain body areas are recurrently inflamed. This goes along with many human diseases. With the help of widefield light microscopy, the underlying processes can…
Wifi education solutions

Factors for Selecting Student Microscopes

If chosen carefully, educational microscopes will open windows to a cosmos of minute detail which delight young minds in schools and universities – and ideally keeps them fascinated enough to make…
Gene editing with Cas9

Gene Editing with CRISPR/Cas9 - Breakthrough in Genome Engineering

The CRISPR/Cas9 system is one of several different bacterial systems for defense against viral attacks. It consists of two main components. One is a small piece of RNA which binds to the viral target…
Transgenic zebrafish larva where fluorescent proteins label the heart muscle blue, blood and blood vessels red, and all circulatory system cells green. Image recorded with a M205 FA microscope.

Imaging and Analyzing Zebrafish, Medaka, and Xenopus

Discover how to image and analyze zebrafish, medaka, and Xenopus frog model organisms efficiently with a microscope for developmental biology applications from this article.

Bacteria Protocol - Critical Point Drying of E. coli for SEM

Application Note for Leica EM CPD300 - Critical point drying of E. coli with subsequent platinum / palladium coating and SEM analysis. Sample was inserted into a filter disc (Pore size: 16 - 40 μm)…

Successful Endodontic Treatment with Dental Operating Microscopes

In endodontics, accurate treatment is not only dependent on the technical skills and knowledge of the dentist, but also on clear, detailed visualization of the surgical field. As the outcome of an…
Fluorescence stereo microscope image of anesthetized Mediterranean fruit flies recorded with a M205 stereo microscope.

Investigating Fruit Flies (Drosophila melanogaster)

Learn how to image and investigate Drosophila fruit fly model organisms efficiently with a microscope for developmental biology applications from this article.
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