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03 Jul 2024
Optical microscope image of salt contamination on an aluminum/silicon (Al/Si) surface. Credit: Gerweck GmbH, Germany.

Microscopic Defects in Electroplating

This free on-demand webinar shows how to identify quickly root causes of defects during electroplating of components with optical microscopy and LIBS (laser spectroscopy).
Particle analysis with LIBS using the DM6 M LIBS 2-in-1 solution: Particle of brass, an alloy of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn).

High Speed for Your Material Analysis Workflow

Learn from our expert, Dr. Konstantin Kartaschew, how the intelligent combination of light microscopy with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) will truly accelerate your root-cause-analysis…

Microstructural Characterization including Compositional Analysis

Leica Microsystems' versatile upright compound microscope, DM6 M, fitted with Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy module will let you not only analyze metallographically polished samples and conduct…
Printed Circuit Board (PCB)

Performing Elemental Analysis down to the Micro Scale

If you work in electronic component analysis, you will be familiar with the many challenges posed. Whether you are identifying metallic particles or checking product authenticity, it’s important to…

Simplify and Speed Up Element Analysis at the Micron Range

Learn how to get spatially resolved information about the chemical composition of elements in seconds - quickly and easily.
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