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26 Feb 2025
Brain organoid section (DAPI) acquired using THUNDER Imager Live Cell. Image courtesy of Janina Kaspar and Irene Santisteban, Schäfer Lab, TUM.

Imaging Organoid Models to Investigate Brain Health

Imaging human brain organoid models to study the phenotypes of specialized brain cells called microglia, and the potential applications of these organoid models in health and disease.
THY1-EGFP labeled neurons in mouse brain processed using the PEGASOS 2 tissue clearing method, imaged on a Leica confocal microscope. Neurons were traced using Aivia’s 3D Neuron Analysis – FL recipe. Image credit: Hu Zhao, Chinese Institute for Brain Research.

Unlocking Insights in Complex and Dense Neuron Images Guided by AI

The latest advancement in Aivia AI image analysis software provides improved soma detection, additional flexibility in neuron tracing, 3D relational measurement including Sholl analysis and more.
Cancer cells

The Role of Iron Metabolism in Cancer Progression

Iron metabolism plays a role in cancer development and progression, and modulates the immune response. Understanding how iron influences cancer and the immune system can aid the development of new…

High-resolution 3D Imaging to Investigate Tissue Ageing

Award-winning researcher Dr. Anjali Kusumbe demonstrates age-related changes in vascular microenvironments through single-cell resolution 3D imaging of young and aged organs.

Visualizing Protein Degradation and Aggregation in the Living Cell

Our guest speaker, Prof Dr Eric Reits, presents his work on neurodegenerative disorders. Reits’ group are experts on the subject of Huntington’s disease and work towards identifying leads for…

Dissecting Proteomic Heterogeneity of the Tumor Microenvironment

This lecture will highlight cutting edge applications in applying laser microdissection and microscaled quantitative proteomics and phosphoproteomics to uncover exquisite intra- and inter-tumor…
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