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Leica Microsystems entwickelt und fertigt Mikroskope und wissenschaftliche Instrumente für die Analyse von Mikro- und Nanostrukturen.

Wir bieten wissenschaftliches Forschungs- und Lehrmaterial zu den Themen der Mikroskopie an. Die Inhalte sind so gestaltet, dass sie Anfänger, erfahrene Praktiker und Wissenschaftler gleichermaßen bei ihrer täglichen Arbeit und ihren Experimenten unterstützen. Erkunden Sie interaktive Tutorials und Anwendungshinweise, entdecken Sie die Grundlagen der Mikroskopie ebenso wie High-End-Technologien.

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Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence (SSCD) or Minor’s syndrome.

Operative Intervention bei Bogengangsdehiszenz

Die Bogengangsdehiszenz (Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence - SSCD) ist eine seltene Störung des Innenohrs, die das Hörvermögen und das Gleichgewicht beeinträchtigt. Die Krankheit ist durch das…

How to Choose a Microscope for Reconstructive Surgery

Plastic and reconstructive surgery requires excellent visualization to repair intricate and fine structures. Oncological reconstructive surgery procedures are among the most delicate, including breast…
Plastic reconstructive surgery with M530 OHX

Advances in Oncological Reconstructive Surgery

Decision making and patient care in oncological reconstructive surgery have considerably evolved in recent years. New surgical assistance technologies are helping surgeons push the boundaries of what…
Left-hand image: The distribution of immune cells (white) and blood vessels (pink) in white adipose tissue (image captured using the THUNDER Imager 3D Cell Culture). Right-hand image: The same image after automated analysis using Aivia, with each immune cell color-coded based on its distance to the nearest blood vessel. Image courtesy of Dr. Selina Keppler, Munich, Germany.

Accurately Analyze Fluorescent Widefield Images

The specificity of fluorescence microscopy allows researchers to accurately observe and analyze biological processes and structures quickly and easily, even when using thick or large samples. However,…

Live-Cell Imaging Techniques

The understanding of complex and/or fast cellular dynamics is an important step for exploring biological processes. Therefore, today’s life science research is increasingly focused on dynamic…

The AI-Powered Pixel Classifier

Achieving reproducible results manually requires expertise and is tedious work. But now there is a way to overcome these challenges by speeding up this analysis to extract the real value of the image…

Applying AI and Machine Learning in Microscopy and Image Analysis

Prof. Emma Lundberg is a professor in cell biology proteomics at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. She is also the director of the Cell Atlas, an integral part of the Swedish-based Human…

A New Method for Convenient and Efficient Multicolor Imaging

The technique combining hyperspectral unmixing and phasor analysis was developed to simplify the process of getting images from a sample labeled with multiple fluorophores. This aggregate method…
Single timepoint of a drosophilia embryo, 3D object detection

Examining Critical Developmental Events in High-Definition

Extended live cell imaging of embryo development requires a delicate balance between light exposure, temporal resolution and spatial resolution to maintain cells’ viability. Compromises between the…

So finden Sie das richtige Mikroskop für Katarakt OPs

Vor der Auswahl eines Augenmikroskops für Kataraktoperationen und andere Eingriffe am vorderen Augenabschnitt ist es sinnvoll, sich mit der Einrichtung der Praxis oder Klinik sowie den jeweiligen…
Spontaneous colon adenoma

Intravital Microscopy of Cancer

Join our guest speaker Prof Dr Jacco van Rheenen, as he presents his work on the identity, behavior and fate of cells that drive the initiation and progression of cancer.
Separation of cells based on their tracking status: A colourised binary mask of a time-lapse microscopy field of view of medium confluency with individual cells highlighted as survivors if they can be tracked since the initial movie frame (cyan), incomers if they migrated into the field of view throughout the movie (yellow) or mistracks if an error occurred in the automated trajectory reconstruction (red).

Tracking Single Cells Using Deep Learning

AI-based solutions continue to gain ground in the field of microscopy. From automated object classification to virtual staining, machine and deep learning technologies are powering scientific…
Analysis of anatomy and axon orientation of an adult mouse brain tissue with QLIPP.

Learning the Cellular Architecture from its Optical Properties

In the last 3 years, microscopists have started to use "AI based" solutions for a wide range of applications, including image acquisition optimization (smart microscopy), object classification, image…

Advancing Cellular Ultrastructure Research

Freeze-fracture and freeze-etching are useful tools for studying flexible membrane-associated structures such as tight junctions or the enteric glycocalyx. Freeze-fracture and etching are two…

Benefits of Combining STED and Lifetime

In this interview, Professor Alberto Diaspro talks about the advantages of the White Light Laser and the TauSTED capabilities of STELLARIS 8 STED. He speaks about his experience with the confocal…

How to use a Surgical Microscope as an Operating Room Nurse

Surgical microscopes play an essential role in the modern microsurgery procedures. It provides the surgeon, assistant and operating room staff with a magnified and illuminated high-quality image of…

Clinical Symposium on OCT-guided Cornea Surgery

In this recording Prof. Mehta from Singapore National Eye Centre and Prof. Fontana from Santa Maria Nuova Hospital in Regio Emilia, Italy, share their expertise on corneal surgery. They present PK,…

Fluorescence Lifetime-based Imaging Gallery

Confocal microscopy relies on the effective excitation of fluorescence probes and the efficient collection of photons emitted from the fluorescence process. One aspect of fluorescence is the emission…

Optimizing THUNDER Platform for High-Content Slide Scanning

With rising demand for full-tissue imaging and the need for FL signal quantitation in diverse biological specimens, the limits on HC imaging technology are tested, while user trainability and…

Visualizing Protein Degradation and Aggregation in the Living Cell

Our guest speaker, Prof Dr Eric Reits, presents his work on neurodegenerative disorders. Reits’ group are experts on the subject of Huntington’s disease and work towards identifying leads for…

Towards Advanced Use of Intraoperative OCT in Cataract Surgery

In this White Paper, Dr. Rachid Tahiri shares his personal experience with the Leica EnFocus intraoperative OCT, the valuable features supporting smooth surgery and how it allows him to minimize…

How Clinical and Surgical Microscopes Support Otolaryngology

The number of ENT surgery procedures is increasing year after year. It is estimated that there will be over 21 million ENT procedures performed annually worldwide by 2022. Dr. Duane Mol is the…

Life Beyond the Pixels: Deep Learning Methods for Single Cell Analysis

Our guest speaker Prof Dr Peter Horvath presents his work on single cell-based large-scale microscopy experiments. This novel targeting approach includes the use of machine learning models and…
C. elegans Gonades - THUNDER Imager  Adult hermaphrodit, Staining: blue - DAPI (Nucleus), green - SP56 (sperms), red - RME-2 (oocyte), mangenta - PGL-1 (RNA + protein granules) Image courtesy of Prof. Dr. Christian Eckmann, Martin Luther University, Halle, Germany

Physiology Image Gallery

Physiology is about the processes and functions within a living organism. Research in physiology focuses on the activities and functions of an organism’s organs, tissues, or cells, including the…

Live Cell Imaging Gallery

Live cell microscopy techniques are fundamental to get a better understanding of cellular and molecular function. Today, widefield microscopy is the most common technique used to visualize cell…

Super-Resolution Microscopy Image Gallery

Due to the diffraction limit of light, traditional confocal microscopy cannot resolve structures below ~240 nm. Super-resolution microscopy techniques, such as STED, PALM or STORM or some…
Virally labeled neurons (red) and astrocytes (green) in a cortical spheroid derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells. THUNDER Model Organism Imagerwith a 2x 0.15 NA objective at 3.4x zoomwas used to produce this 425 μm Z-stack (26 positions), which is presented here as an Extended Depth of Field(EDoF)projection.

Neuroscience Images

Neuroscience commonly uses microscopy to study the nervous system’s function and understand neurodegenerative diseases.

Cell Biology Image Gallery

Cell biology studies the structure, function and behavior of cells, including cell metabolism, cell cycle, and cell signaling. Fluorescence microscopes are an integral part of a cell biologist…

Dissecting Proteomic Heterogeneity of the Tumor Microenvironment

This lecture will highlight cutting edge applications in applying laser microdissection and microscaled quantitative proteomics and phosphoproteomics to uncover exquisite intra- and inter-tumor…

How to Quantify Changes in the Metabolic Status of Single Cells

Metabolic imaging based on fluorescence lifetime provides insights into the metabolic dynamics of cells, but its use has been limited as expertise in advanced microscopy techniques was needed. Now,…
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