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Leica Microsystems entwickelt und fertigt Mikroskope und wissenschaftliche Instrumente für die Analyse von Mikro- und Nanostrukturen.

Wir bieten wissenschaftliches Forschungs- und Lehrmaterial zu den Themen der Mikroskopie an. Die Inhalte sind so gestaltet, dass sie Anfänger, erfahrene Praktiker und Wissenschaftler gleichermaßen bei ihrer täglichen Arbeit und ihren Experimenten unterstützen. Erkunden Sie interaktive Tutorials und Anwendungshinweise, entdecken Sie die Grundlagen der Mikroskopie ebenso wie High-End-Technologien.

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Putting Dynamic Live Cell Data into the Ultrastructural Context

With workflow Coral Life, searching for a needle in the haystack is a thing of the past. Take advantage of correlative light and electron microscopy to identify directly the right cell at the right…

AI in Microscopy Webinar

We demonstrate residual channel attention networks for restoring and enhancing volumetric time-lapse (4D) fluorescence microscopy data.
Virally labeled neurons (red) and astrocytes (green) in a cortical spheroid derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells. THUNDER Model Organism Imager with a 2x 0.15 NA objective at 3.4x zoom was used to produce this 425 µm Z-stack (26 positions), which is presented here as an Extended Depth of Field (EDoF) projection.  Images courtesy of Dr. Fikri Birey  from the Dr. Sergiu Pasca laboratory at Stanford University, 3165 Porter Dr., Palo Alto, CA

Download The Guide to Live Cell Imaging

In life science research, live cell imaging is an indispensable tool to visualize cells in a state as in vivo as possible. This E-book reviews a wide range of important considerations to take to…

Regulators of Actin Cytoskeletal Regulation and Cell Migration in Human NK Cells

Dr. Mace will describe new advances in our understanding of the regulation of human NK cell actin cytoskeletal remodeling in cell migration and immune synapse formation derived from confocal and…

Adding Dimensions to Multiplex Molecular Imaging

Molecular imaging of living specimens offers a means to draw upon the growing body of high-throughput molecular data to better understand the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms of complex…

Understanding Motor Sequence Generation Across Spatiotemporal Scales

We have developed a microscopy-based pipeline to characterize a developmentally critical behavior at the pupal stage of development, called the ecdysis sequence. We study brain-wide neuronal activity…
Root-hypocotyl junction of Arabidopsis thaliana. Image acquired with TauContrast. Sample courtesy: Dr. Melanie Krebs, COS, University of Heidelberg.

Benefits of TauContrast to Image Complex Samples

In this interview, Dr. Timo Zimmermann talks about his experience with the application of TauSense tools and their potential for the investigation of demanding samples such as thick samples or…

Fast, High-quality Vitrification with the EM ICE High Pressure Freezer

The EM ICE High Pressure Freezer was developed with a unique freezing principle and uses only a single pressurization and cooling liquid: liquified nitrogen (LN2). This design enables three major…

Advanced Visualization in ENT Surgery

ENT surgery poses unique challenges. It requires excellent visualization, both in terms of magnification and illumination. As such, choosing the right operating microscope is critical.

Advanced Visualization in Spine Surgery

There have been meaningful advances in spine surgery in recent years. Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS) techniques provide significant benefits, helping to minimize surgical trauma, improve…

How Augmented Reality is Transforming Vascular Neurosurgery

Augmented Reality is changing surgery, with new information helping to improve the precision and safety of procedures. This is especially true in vascular neurosurgery where Augmented Reality is…

Overcoming Ophthalmologic Surgery Challenges

Ophthalmology surgical procedures involving both the anterior and posterior segment can be particularly challenging. Good visualization is required to operate with precision and confidence. Prof.…

Advanced Visualization in Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is very demanding. Surgical microscopes play an important role, helping to ensure flaps are well vascularized. Dr. Christine Bach is a Plastic and Reconstructive…

Improvement of Imaging Techniques to Understand Organelle Membrane Cell Dynamics

Understanding cell functions in normal and tumorous tissue is a key factor in advancing research of potential treatment strategies and understanding why some treatments might fail. Single-cell…

Neurovascular Surgery & Augmented Reality Fluorescence

Vascular neurosurgery is highly complex. Surgeons need to be able to rely on robust anatomical information. As such, visualization technologies play an essential role. Prof. Nils Ole Schmidt is a…

Advancing Cell Biology with Cryo-Correlative Microscopy

Correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) advances biological discoveries by merging different microscopes and imaging modalities to study systems in 4D. Combining fluorescence microscopy with…
Mouse lymphnode acquired with a THUNDER Imager 3D Cell Culture. Image courtesy of Dr. Selina Keppler, Munich, Germany.

Image Gallery: THUNDER Imager

To help you answer important scientific questions, THUNDER Imagers eliminate the out-of-focus blur that clouds the view of thick samples when using camera-based fluorescence microscopes. They achieve…

Hand-Held OCT Clinical & Research Applications

Hand-held Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) has revolutionized pediatric ophthalmology and has had a significant impact on ophthalmology in general. The Leica Envisu C2300 hand-held OCT allows to…

From Organs to Tissues to Cells: Analyzing 3D Specimens with Widefield Microscopy

Obtaining high-quality data and images from thick 3D samples is challenging using traditional widefield microscopy because of the contribution of out-of-focus light. In this webinar, Falco Krüger…
Oncological Maxillofacial Reconstructive Surgery at the Paris Saint-Joseph Hospital with Dr. Benichou. The Leica M530 OHX microscope is used by plastic surgeons in a comfortable standing up position.

Plastische und rekonstruktive Chirurgie: Warum ein Mikroskop benutzen?

Verfahren der plastischen und rekonstruktiven Chirurgie können heikel sein. Visualisierungslösungen spielen eine wichtige Rolle, da sie es ermöglichen, die Operation unter bestmöglichen Bedingungen…

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: Improving Precision and Accuracy with Microscopes

Spine surgery is extremely delicate and requires extensive training and experience. Innovative visualization technologies can also help achieve better outcomes allowing to see more and have a clearer…

Mit LIGHTNING das Maximum an Informationen aus Ihrer Probe erhalten

LIGHTNING ist ein adaptiver Prozess zur Extraktion von Bildinformationen, bei dem vollautomatisch anderweitig nicht sichtbare Strukturen und feine Details sichtbar gemacht werden. Im Gegensatz zu…

Advanced Techniques in Cataract and Refractive Surgery

In this webinar Dr. Thompson and Dr. Moshirfar will explain how Leica microscopes aid in procedures such as Centration of Multifocal IOLs and corneal inlays such as Kamra and Lenticular Grafts used in…

Clinical Uses in Cerebrovascular and Skull Base Neurosurgery

In this webinar Dr. Bendok and Dr. Morcos explain how Augmented Reality and Fluorescence can enhance visualization and support surgical decision making. They present first-hand experience of the GLOW…

Surgical Microscopes: Key Factors for OR Nurses

Operating room (OR) nurses are vital to the surgery process. An OR Nurse Manager explains the key surgical microscope features to facilitate their work.

Introduction to Ion Beam Etching with the EM TIC 3X

In this article you can learn how to optimize the preparation quality of your samples by using the ion beam etching method with the EM TIC 3X ion beam milling machine. A short introduction of the…

Computational Clearing - Enhance 3D Specimen Imaging

This webinar is designed to clarify crucial specifications that contribute to THUNDER Imagers' transformative visualization of 3D samples and improvements within a researcher's imaging-related…

STELLARIS White Light Lasers

When it comes to choosing fluorescent probes for your multi-color experiments, you shouldn’t have to compromise. Now you can advance beyond conventional excitation sources that limit your fluorophore…
Image source: shutterstock

How to Drape an Overhead Surgical Microscope

The tutorial features the Leica ARveo digital Augmented Reality microscope for complex neurosurgery. The procedure also applies to the Leica M530 OHX, OH6, OH5 and OH4.
[Translate to German:] Image source: shutterstock

How to Drape a Surgical Microscope

Before performing surgical procedures, it is important to drape the surgical microscope to ensure sterile working conditions. At Leica, we are committed to helping you with your surgical practice. In…
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