Nikolaos Bechrakis , Prof.

Nikolaos Bechrakis

Prof. Nikolaos Bechrakis ist Professor für Augenheilkunde und Vorsitzender der Abteilung für Augenheilkunde des Universitätsklinikums Essen. Er ist Vorstandsmitglied der Österreichischen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft und Direktor des European Leadership Development Program (EuLDP) der European Society of Ophthalmology (SOE).

Prof. Nikolaos Bechrakis uses the Proveo 8 ceiling mounted microscope with EnFocus intraoperative OCT. Images provided by Prof. Nikolaos Bechrakis.

Posterior Segment Surgery: Benefits of Utilizing Intraoperative OCT

Learn about the value of intraoperative optical coherence tomography in posterior segment surgery to precisely locate, evaluate and manage pathologies.
Keratoplasty of pathologic cornea

Intraoperative OCT-Assisted Corneal Transplant Procedures

Learn about the use of intraoperative optical coherence tomography in corneal transplantation and how it facilitates the adaptation of the donor cornea.
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