Hier können Sie Ihr Wissen, Ihre Forschungsfähigkeiten und Ihre praktischen Anwendungen der Mikroskopie in verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Bereichen erweitern. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie präzise Visualisierung, Bildinterpretation und Forschungsfortschritte erzielen können. Hier finden Sie aufschlussreiche Informationen über fortgeschrittene Mikroskopie, Bildgebungsverfahren, Probenvorbereitung und Bildanalyse. Zu den behandelten Themen gehören Zellbiologie, Neurowissenschaften und Krebsforschung mit Schwerpunkt auf modernsten Anwendungen und Innovationen.
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Depth of Field in Microscope Images
For microscopy imaging, depth of field is an important parameter when needing sharp images of sample areas with structures having significant changes in depth. In practice, depth of field is…

Für optimale Ergebnisse während der Bewertung, Sortierung, Manipulation und Bildgebung von Modellorganismen ist es entscheidend feine Details und Strukturen genauestens zu erkennen. Das bildet die…

An Introduction to Fluorescence
This article gives an introduction to fluorescence and photoluminescence, which includes phosphorescence, explains the basic theory behind them, and how fluorescence is used for microscopy.

How Industrial Applications Benefit from Fluorescence Microscopy
Watch this free webinar to know more about what you can do with fluorescence microscopy for industrial applications. We will cover a wide range of investigations where fluorescence contrast offers new…

Macroscale to Nanoscale Pore Analysis of Shale and Carbonate Rocks
Physical porosity in rocks, like shale and carbonate, has a large effect on the their storage capacity. The pore geometries also affect their permeability. Imaging the visible pore space provides…

Rodent and Small-Animal Surgery
Learn how you can perform rodent (mouse, rat, hamster) and small-animal surgery efficiently with a microscope for developmental biology and medical research applications by reading this article.

Investigating Fruit Flies (Drosophila melanogaster)
Learn how to image and investigate Drosophila fruit fly model organisms efficiently with a microscope for developmental biology applications from this article.

Forensic Detection of Sperm from Sexual Assault Evidence
The impact of modern scientific methods on the analysis of crime scene evidence has dramatically changed many forensic sub-specialties. Arguably one of the most dramatic examples is the impact of…