Hier können Sie Ihr Wissen, Ihre Forschungsfähigkeiten und Ihre praktischen Anwendungen der Mikroskopie in verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Bereichen erweitern. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie präzise Visualisierung, Bildinterpretation und Forschungsfortschritte erzielen können. Hier finden Sie aufschlussreiche Informationen über fortgeschrittene Mikroskopie, Bildgebungsverfahren, Probenvorbereitung und Bildanalyse. Zu den behandelten Themen gehören Zellbiologie, Neurowissenschaften und Krebsforschung mit Schwerpunkt auf modernsten Anwendungen und Innovationen.
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6-Inch Wafer Inspection Microscope for Reliably Observing Small Height Differences
A 6-inch wafer inspection microscope with automated and reproducible DIC (differential interference contrast) imaging, no matter the skill level of users, is described in this article. Manufacturing…

Workflow Solutions for Sample Preparation Methods for Material Science
This brochure presents and explains appropriate workflow solutions for the most frequently required sample preparation methods for material science samples.

Automatic Alignment of Sample and Knife for High Sectioning Quality
Automatic alignment of sample and knife on the ultramicrotome UC Enuity, enabling even untrained users to create ultrathin sections with reduced risk of losing precious sections.

High Quality Sectioning in Ultramicrotomy
Discover the significance of achieving high-quality uniform sections with ultramicrotomy for precise imaging in electron microscopy.

Key Factors for Efficient Cleanliness Analysis
An overview of the key factors necessary for technical cleanliness and efficient cleanliness analysis concerning automotive and electronics manufacturing and production is provided in this article.

Rapid Semiconductor Inspection with Microscope Contrast Methods
Semiconductor inspection during the production of patterned wafers and ICs (integrated circuits) is important for identifying and minimizing defects. To increase the efficiency of quality control in…

Cross-section Analysis for Electronics Manufacturing
This article describes cross-section analysis for electronics concerning quality control and failure analysis of printed circuit boards (PCBs) and assemblies (PCBAs), integrated circuits (ICs), etc.

Erforschung der Virusreplikaton mit Fluoreszenzmikroskopie
Viren können mit Hilfe verschiedener Mikroskopietechniken untersucht werden. Je nach Vergrößerung und Auflösung des Mikroskops kann die Beobachtung auf Gewebe-, Zell- oder Virionenebene erfolgen.

Epi-Illumination Fluorescence and Reflection-Contrast Microscopy
This article discusses the development of epi-illumination and reflection contrast for fluorescence microscopy concerning life-science applications. Much was done by the Ploem research group…