


Tauchen Sie ein in detaillierte Artikel und Webinare, die sich mit effizienter Inspektion, optimierten Arbeitsabläufen und ergonomischem Komfort in industriellen und pathologischen Umgebungen befassen. Zu den behandelten Themen gehören Qualitätskontrolle, Materialanalyse, Mikroskopie in der Pathologie und vieles mehr. Sie erhalten wertvolle Einblicke in den Einsatz von Spitzentechnologien zur Verbesserung der Präzision und Effizienz von Fertigungsprozessen sowie zur präzisen pathologischen Diagnose und Forschung.


Mit der Kryo-Elektronentomographie (CryoET) lassen sich Biomoleküle in ihrer zellulären Umgebung mit einer noch nie dagewesenen Auflösung von weniger als einem Nanometer auflösen.

Workflow Solutions for Sample Preparation Methods for Material Science

This brochure presents and explains appropriate workflow solutions for the most frequently required sample preparation methods for material science samples.
Preparation of an IC-chip cross section: grinding and polishing of the chip cross section.

Cross-section Analysis for Electronics Manufacturing

This article describes cross-section analysis for electronics concerning quality control and failure analysis of printed circuit boards (PCBs) and assemblies (PCBAs), integrated circuits (ICs), etc.

How to Prepare and Analyse Battery Samples with Electron Microscopy

This workshop covers the sample preparation process for lithium and novel battery sample analysis, as well as other semiconductor samples requiring high-resolution cross-section imaging.

Advancing Cellular Ultrastructure Research

Freeze-fracture and freeze-etching are useful tools for studying flexible membrane-associated structures such as tight junctions or the enteric glycocalyx. Freeze-fracture and etching are two…

Exploring the Structure and Life Cycle of Viruses

The SARS-CoV-2 outbreak started in late December 2019 and has since reached a global pandemic, leading to a worldwide battle against COVID-19. The ever-evolving electron microscopy methods offer a…

Workflows and Instrumentation for Cryo-electron Microscopy

Cryo-electron microscopy is an increasingly popular modality to study the structures of macromolecular complexes and has enabled numerous new insights in cell biology. In recent years, cryo-electron…

Studying the Microstructure of Natural Polymers in Fine Detail

The potential of cryogenic broad ion beam milling used in combination with scanning electron microscopy (cryo-BIB-SEM) for imaging and analyzing the microstructure of cryogenically stabilized soft…
Roland A. Fleck

Expert Knowledge on High Pressure Freezing and Freeze Fracturing in the Cryo SEM Workflow

Get an insight in the working methods of the laboratory and learn about the advantages of Cryo SEM investigation in EM Sample Preparation. Find out how high pressure freezing, freeze fracturing and…
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