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Schnelle und zuverlässige Untersuchung von Leiterplatten und Leiterplattenbaugruppen mittels Digitalmikroskopie
Digitalmikroskope bieten Anwendern eine bequeme und schnelle Möglichkeit zur Erfassung hochwertiger, zuverlässiger Bilddaten und zur schnellen Inspektion und Analyse von Leiterplatten (PCBs) und…

Industrial Microscopy: Digital imaging and the Leica DVM6
This webinar will discuss digital microscopy and Leica’s digital DVM6 microscope. We will navigate the difference between optical and digital magnification, explain the differences in optics, and…

Inverted Microscopes for Grain Size Analysis: Three Factors to Consider
Microscopic steel grain size analysis is useful in determining the quality of steel alloys for a given purpose such as building bridges vs railroad rails. This webinar will describe the preparation of…

Metallography – an Introduction
This article gives an overview of metallography and metallic alloy characterization. Different microscopy techniques are used to study the alloy microstructure, i.e., microscale structure of grains,…

How to Adapt Grain Size Analysis of Metallic Alloys to Your Needs
Metallic alloys, such as steel and aluminum, have an important role in a variety of industries, including automotive and transportation. In this report, the importance of grain size analysis for alloy…

How To Create EDOF (Extended Depth of Focus) Images
Watch this video to see how you can rapidly record sharp optical microscope images of samples with a large height variation. This is done with the optional Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) function of…