


Tauchen Sie ein in detaillierte Artikel und Webinare, die sich mit effizienter Inspektion, optimierten Arbeitsabläufen und ergonomischem Komfort in industriellen und pathologischen Umgebungen befassen. Zu den behandelten Themen gehören Qualitätskontrolle, Materialanalyse, Mikroskopie in der Pathologie und vieles mehr. Sie erhalten wertvolle Einblicke in den Einsatz von Spitzentechnologien zur Verbesserung der Präzision und Effizienz von Fertigungsprozessen sowie zur präzisen pathologischen Diagnose und Forschung.
GLOW800 Augmented Reality Fluorescence used for real-time blood flow visualization in aneurysm clipping surgery

Aneurysm Clipping: Assessing Perforators in Real-Time with AR Fluorescence

This article covers two aneurysm clipping cases highlighting the clinical benefits of GLOW800 Augmented Reality Fluorescence application in neurosurgery, based on insights from Prof. Tohru Mizutani,…
GLOW400 AR Fluorescence in anatomy view, image courtesy of Prof. Kondo

How to Achieve Brain Tissue Resection with GLOW400 AR

Intraoperative MRI is one form of real-time intraoperative visualization, but if more in-depth visualization to identify a tumor during surgery is wanted, intraoperative fluorescence diagnostics is…
Evolved ARveo 8: Operating Room (OR) set-up.

Augmented Reality: Transformation von neurochirurgischen Verfahren

In diesem E-Book lernen Sie die großartigen Vorteile kennen, die Augmented Reality (AR) der Neurochirurgie bringt. Dieser umfassende Leitfaden enthält erklärende Videos, beantwortet brennende Fragen…
Serious Game in Intraoperative Neurosurgery. Image courtesy of Dr. Lucas Troude.

Enhancing Neurosurgery Teaching

Learn about the Serious Game in Intraoperative Neurosurgery and how it supports neurosurgical teaching and the acquisition of decision-making skills.
Caption: Collaboration is key Picture copyright: Donenko Oleksii, Shutterstock

Launching a Neurosurgical Department with Limited Resources

Learn about Dr. Claire Karekezi’s journey and experience launching a neurosurgical department within the Rwanda Military Hospital with limited resources.
Augmented Reality fluorescence supports each step of neurovascular surgery procedures. Image courtesy of Dr. Christof Renner.

Use of AR Fluorescence in Neurovascular Surgery

Learn about the use of GLOW800 Augmented Reality in neurovascular surgery through clinical cases and videos, including aneurysm and tumor resection cases.
Advanced technologies support neurosurgical teaching. Image courtesy of Dr. Florian Bernard.

3D, AR & VR for Teaching in Neurosurgery

Discover the evolution of neurosurgical teaching and how 3D, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality can help better learn anatomy and acquire surgical skills.
Use of GLOW800 Augmented Reality during AVM surgery. Image courtesy of Prof. Philippe Bijlenga.

AR Fluorescence in Aneurysm Clipping and AVM Surgery

Discover how GLOW800 Augmented Reality fluorescence supports neurovascular surgical procedures and in particular aneurysm clipping and AVM surgery.
Tumor resection leveraging 5-ALA fluorescence. Image courtesy of Dr. Carla Reizinho.

Surgical Management of High-Grade Gliomas

Learn about the surgical management of high-grade gliomas and how to expand the extent of resection intra-operatively using tools such as 5-ALA fluorescence.
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