Science Lab

Science Lab

Science Lab

Willkommen auf dem Wissensportal von Leica Microsystems. Hier finden Sie wissenschaftliches Forschungs- und Lehrmaterial rund um das Thema Mikroskopie. Das Portal unterstützt Anfänger, erfahrene Praktiker und Wissenschaftler gleichermaßen bei ihrer täglichen Arbeit und ihren Experimenten. Erkunden Sie interaktive Tutorials und Anwendungshinweise, entdecken Sie die Grundlagen der Mikroskopie ebenso wie High-End-Technologien. Werden Sie Teil der Science Lab Community und teilen Sie Ihr Fachwissen.
Clinical case: radial forearm free flap preparation with prelaminated urethra and phalloplasty anastomosis

Using GLOW800 AR in Radial Forearm Flap Free Phalloplasty

In this video, Chief Microsurgeon Professor Küntscher and his team perform a radial forearm free flap phalloplasty and use ICG fluorescence imaging to show the blood flow in the whole flap from the…
phalloplasty and subcutaneous mastectomy

How AR Surgery Benefits Radial Forearm Free Flap Phalloplasty

The goal of penile reconstruction is to provide an aesthetic penoid with tactile and erogenous sensation, so the patient can have sexual intercourse and void standing.1 Currently, the radial forearm…

Surgical Microscopes: Key Factors for OR Nurses

Operating room (OR) nurses are vital to the surgery process. An OR Nurse Manager explains the key surgical microscope features to facilitate their work.
Image source: shutterstock

How to Drape an Overhead Surgical Microscope

The tutorial features the Leica ARveo digital Augmented Reality microscope for complex neurosurgery. The procedure also applies to the Leica M530 OHX, OH6, OH5 and OH4.
[Translate to German:] Image source: shutterstock

How to Drape a Surgical Microscope

Before performing surgical procedures, it is important to drape the surgical microscope to ensure sterile working conditions. At Leica, we are committed to helping you with your surgical practice. In…
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