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Science Lab

Willkommen auf dem Wissensportal von Leica Microsystems. Hier finden Sie wissenschaftliches Forschungs- und Lehrmaterial rund um das Thema Mikroskopie. Das Portal unterstützt Anfänger, erfahrene Praktiker und Wissenschaftler gleichermaßen bei ihrer täglichen Arbeit und ihren Experimenten. Erkunden Sie interaktive Tutorials und Anwendungshinweise, entdecken Sie die Grundlagen der Mikroskopie ebenso wie High-End-Technologien. Werden Sie Teil der Science Lab Community und teilen Sie Ihr Fachwissen.
8-year-old child in an oncology hospital is fighting the disease cancer. Picture copyright: AdobeStock_817771788

Advancing Surgery in Pediatric Brain Tumors

Learn how fluorescence-guided surgery supports pediatric brain tumor resection and improves precision through literature review and clinical cases.
Spinal arterio-venous fistulas may require surgical treatment. Picture copyright: Cavan-Images, Shutterstock

Neurosurgical Treatment of Spinal Arterio-Venous Fistulas

Learn about the neurosurgical treatment of spinal arterio-venous fistulas, including classification, epidemiology and surgical approaches.
Skull base tumor removal. Image courtesy of Prof. Pierre-Hugues Roche.

Skull Base Neurosurgery: Epidural Lateral Approaches

Surgery of skull base tumors and diseases, such as cavernomas, epidermoid cysts, meningiomas and schwannomas, can be quite complex. During the Leica 2021 Neurovisualization Summit, a unique event…
Analysis of an aneurysm with Virtual Reality. Image courtesy of Prof. Raphael Guzman.

Digitalisierung in der neurochirurgischen Planung und bei Eingriffen

Erfahren Sie mehr über Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality und Mixed Reality in der Neurochirurgie und wie sie dazu beitragen können, Herausforderungen zu meistern.
Brain tumor surgical planning leveraging Augmented Reality. Image courtesy of Prof. Philippe Bijlenga.

Augmented Reality Assisted Navigation in Neuro-Oncological Surgery

In neuro-oncological surgery, new technologies such as Augmented Reality are helping to improve surgical precision enabling a precise trajectory, conformational resection, the absence of collateral…
Visualization of an AVM with the Leica FL560 fluorescein fluorescence module

Benefits of Fluorescence in Vascular Neurosurgery

Fluorescein and ICG fluorescence videoangiography have transformed the experience of vascular neurosurgeons, providing an intraoperative view with enriched information. During the Leica 2021…
GLOW800 Augmented Reality fluorescence in Moyamoya disease treatment

How AR Helps in the Surgical Treatment of Moyamoya Disease

Moyamoya disease is a rare chronic occlusive cerebrovascular disorder characterized by progressive stenosis in the terminal portion of the internal carotid artery and an abnormal vascular network at…

Optimal Visualization in Brain Surgery

This case study “Treatment of the Galassi type III arachnoid cyst with the M530 OHX surgical microscope from Leica Microsystems” documents the procedure step by step and shows the visualization…

How to use a Surgical Microscope as an Operating Room Nurse

Surgical microscopes play an essential role in the modern microsurgery procedures. It provides the surgeon, assistant and operating room staff with a magnified and illuminated high-quality image of…
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