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Skull Base Neurosurgery: Epidural Lateral Approaches
Surgery of skull base tumors and diseases, such as cavernomas, epidermoid cysts, meningiomas and schwannomas, can be quite complex. During the Leica 2021 Neurovisualization Summit, a unique event…
Digitalisierung in der neurochirurgischen Planung und bei Eingriffen
Erfahren Sie mehr über Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality und Mixed Reality in der Neurochirurgie und wie sie dazu beitragen können, Herausforderungen zu meistern.
Augmented Reality Assisted Navigation in Neuro-Oncological Surgery
In neuro-oncological surgery, new technologies such as Augmented Reality are helping to improve surgical precision enabling a precise trajectory, conformational resection, the absence of collateral…
Benefits of Fluorescence in Vascular Neurosurgery
Fluorescein and ICG fluorescence videoangiography have transformed the experience of vascular neurosurgeons, providing an intraoperative view with enriched information. During the Leica 2021…
Clinical Uses in Cerebrovascular and Skull Base Neurosurgery
In this webinar Dr. Bendok and Dr. Morcos explain how Augmented Reality and Fluorescence can enhance visualization and support surgical decision making. They present first-hand experience of the GLOW…