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Transfection using the Uncommon Bio reprogramming system. Image acquired using the THUNDER Imager 3D Cell Culture with THUNDER Large Volume Computational Clearing (LVCC) applied. Image courtesy of Samuel East, Uncommon Bio.

Designing the Future with Novel and Scalable Stem Cell Culture

Visionary biotech start-up Uncommon Bio is tackling one of the world’s biggest health challenges: food sustainability. In this webinar, Stem Cell Scientist Samuel East shows how they make stem cell…
Spheroid stained with Cyan: Dapi nuclear countertain; Green AF488 Involucrin; Orange AF55 Phalloidin Actin; Magenta AF647 CK14.

Notable AI-based Solutions for Phenotypic Drug Screening

Learn about notable optical microscope solutions for phenotypic drug screening using 3D-cell culture, both planning and execution, from this free, on-demand webinar.
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