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Enhancing Neurosurgery Teaching
Learn about the Serious Game in Intraoperative Neurosurgery and how it supports neurosurgical teaching and the acquisition of decision-making skills.

Launching a Neurosurgical Department with Limited Resources
Learn about Dr. Claire Karekezi’s journey and experience launching a neurosurgical department within the Rwanda Military Hospital with limited resources.

3D, AR & VR for Teaching in Neurosurgery
Discover the evolution of neurosurgical teaching and how 3D, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality can help better learn anatomy and acquire surgical skills.

AR Fluorescence in Aneurysm Clipping and AVM Surgery
Discover how GLOW800 Augmented Reality fluorescence supports neurovascular surgical procedures and in particular aneurysm clipping and AVM surgery.

Surgical Management of High-Grade Gliomas
Learn about the surgical management of high-grade gliomas and how to expand the extent of resection intra-operatively using tools such as 5-ALA fluorescence.

Advancing Surgery in Pediatric Brain Tumors
Learn how fluorescence-guided surgery supports pediatric brain tumor resection and improves precision through literature review and clinical cases.