M50, M60 & M80 Microscopios estereoscópicos de rutina

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Dissecting microscope.

Microscopios para disección

Las disecciones pueden implicar pasar horas mirando por los oculares de un microscopio para disección. Leica Microsystems le permite escoger entre una variada gama de microscopios y un amplio rango de…

Investigación con Pez Cebra

Para obtener los mejores resultados en clasificación, selección, manipulación y captura y procesamiento de imágenes necesita ver los detalles y estructuras para poder tomar las decisiones adecuadas…
Stereo microscopes are often considered the workhorses of laboratories and production sites.

Key Factors to Consider When Selecting a Stereo Microscope

This article explains key factors that help users determine which stereo microscope solution can best meet their needs, depending on the application.
Strain from using a microscope can lead to musculoskeletal pain.

Microscope Ergonomics

This article explains microscope ergonomics and how it helps users work in comfort, enabling consistency and efficiency. Learn how to set up the workplace to keep good posture when using a microscope.
Inspection microscope image of a printed circuit board (PCB) taken with a ring light (RL) and near vertical illumination (NVI).

Microscope Illumination for Industrial Applications

Inspection microscope users can obtain information from this article which helps them choose the optimal microscope illumination or lighting system for inspection of parts or components.
Electronic component

Top Challenges for Visual Inspection

This article discusses the challenges encountered when performing visual inspection and rework using a microscope. Using the right type of microscope and optical setup is paramount in order to…
Visual inspection of a PCBA with the Ivesta 3 Greenough stereo microscope.

How to Select the Right Solution for Visual Inspection

This article helps users with the decision-making process when selecting a microscope as a solution for routine visual inspection. Important factors that should be considered are described.
Comparison when observing a rodent model organism with a Greenough versus CMO (common main objective) stereo microscope for a task like surgery.

Rodent and Small-Animal Surgery

Learn how you can perform rodent (mouse, rat, hamster) and small-animal surgery efficiently with a microscope for developmental biology and medical research applications by reading this article.
Gene editing with Cas9

Gene Editing with CRISPR/Cas9 - Breakthrough in Genome Engineering

The CRISPR/Cas9 system is one of several different bacterial systems for defense against viral attacks. It consists of two main components. One is a small piece of RNA which binds to the viral target…
Transgenic zebrafish larva where fluorescent proteins label the heart muscle blue, blood and blood vessels red, and all circulatory system cells green. Image recorded with a M205 FA microscope.

Imaging and Analyzing Zebrafish, Medaka, and Xenopus

Discover how to image and analyze zebrafish, medaka, and Xenopus frog model organisms efficiently with a microscope for developmental biology applications from this article.
Fluorescence stereo microscope image of anesthetized Mediterranean fruit flies recorded with a M205 stereo microscope.

Investigating Fruit Flies (Drosophila melanogaster)

Learn how to image and investigate Drosophila fruit fly model organisms efficiently with a microscope for developmental biology applications from this article.
C. elegans

Studying Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans)

Find out how you can image and study C. elegans roundworm model organisms efficiently with a microscope for developmental biology applications from this article.
An ID card which has been tampered with by counterfeiters who inserted a hologram.

Is that Document Genuine or Fake? How do They Identify Fake Documents?

This article shows how forensic experts use microscopy for analysis to identify counterfeit, fake documents, such as ID cards, passports, visas, certificates, etc. Then they know if it is genuine or…
A portion of an early binocular microscope developed by John Leonhard Riddel in the early 1850s.

The History of Stereo Microscopy

This article gives an overview on the history of stereo microscopes. The development and evolution from handcrafted instruments (late 16th to mid-18th century) to mass produced ones the last 150…
Mediciones de distancia

Microscopios de medición

Los microscopios de medición son útiles para determinar las dimensiones de características de la muestra durante controles de calidad, análisis de fallos e investigación y desarrollo. Averigüe más…

Assembly & Rework Microscopes

Discover Leica assembly microscopes with FusionOptics for precision rework and assembly. Tailored for electronics, automotive, medical devices, and watchmaking production needs.

Campos de aplicación

Ciencias de los materiales y geológicas

Necesita las herramientas adecuadas para obtener imágenes y análisis fiables y de alta calidad. Leica Microsystems es la única fuente para todas sus necesidades de investigación. Junto con el apoyo…

Microscopios para conservación de arte

Analizar, restaurar, conservar y documentar obras de arte u objetos culturales requiere aptitudes técnicas complejas y el uso de soluciones de adquisición de imágenes de vanguardia, en especial…

Inspección de PCB

Para una inspección rápida y fiable de las placas de circuito impreso, los fabricantes y proveedores de componentes electrónicos requieren soluciones que permitan un control de calidad, un análisis de…

Microscopios de inspección

Leica Microsystems ofrece una variedad de microscopios de inspección para aplicaciones industriales. Nuestros expertos pueden ayudarle a encontrar la solución óptima.

Mercados de microscopía industrial

Maximizar el tiempo de actividad y alcanzar los objetivos de forma eficiente ayudan a su cuenta de resultados. Las soluciones de microscopía de Leica le permiten conocer hasta el más mínimo detalle de…

Microscopios de medición

Los microscopios de medición son útiles para determinar las dimensiones de características de la muestra durante controles de calidad, análisis de fallos e investigación y desarrollo. Averigüe más…
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